Is my coral dying?


I just got this coral for someone yesterday and not sure if it is dying or not. I dont even know what it is called, but it doesnt look to good to me. It has only been in my tank for about 16 hours. Any suggestions?


i dont hink its xenia. it looks like a finger leather. just wait and see if it opens up in a day or 2 . they can shrivel up like that when they are disturbed.


Active Member
Looks like Colt Coral to me. How did you acclimate it? What are your tank conditions? Salinity, Nitrite, Nitrate, Amonnia, PH ALk? Often soft corals start to sag like that because of poor tank conditions, too much flow, or just stress from being in a new tank!


Sure looks like a Colt to me too. What you did so far regarding acclimation is too late to discuss now. Give it a couple of days and report back.


Ah yes maybe a colt coral, If it had been a xena it would have balled up on you not just limp. Sorry my bad.


Looks like my Capnella, or tree coral. They like a good current and good lighting. I have frag my twice by cutting off branches and glueing to LR. Should come around if it has some current around it. Good luck!


its a colt. it is probably just stressed out. Every once and a while mine does that, and then it just gets over it. You probably should check your water levels. What current did you put it in?


Active Member
I think i may have to disagree with the colt coral idea . . . not to step on any toes here. I have a Capnella, which looks identical to what you have there when the lights are out (except mine is standin up). Give it a chance, i bet by tomorrow it will look new again. Mine has been pretty hardy so far. It has defenitely seen its sahre of abuse from some tank mates. The neat thing about capnella is that it will frag itself when it gets to big. I think there is a movie of it happening on
It IS a tree coral. Exactly like the one below. It does not require strong lighting and mine does fine with or without heavy current.
It fills itself with water and this takes it quite a while.
Whenever I move mine it looks just like your picture. Sometimes it even looks shriveled (like skin that has been wet too long). I would expect it to be twice as big in a few days. Post more PIC's when it is. Good Luck.