Is my feather duster dying??


I came home from work to find this. It threw its crown. I touched it and it moved a little. Whats going on here?????


New Member
They will from time to time shed thier feathers, it takes a while for them to grow back but it does happen all the time. Is that cyano on it??


New Member
cyanobacteria is kinda like a red slime algae. On a side note I would lay the feather duster flat on the rocks and not keep it in the sand, bacteria can really hurt it more while in this state.


anyone have any experience with this? is it okay that it is hanging out of its tube or should i remove it from the tank?? :needhelp:


I have 4 feathers and only one has every thrown it's crown due to stress of a bi color blennie. It never was hanging out of it's tube though. Try gently pulling the him out ( careful with the anchor foot) and put him between two rocks where he has some cover. If you have a hosp tank it may even be better due to the bacteria and nothing will bother it. I usually use doses of Melafix either way. The crown will grow back with 6 to 8 weeks.
Just my opinion
KC in KY