is my harlequin tusk not healthly?


This morning i gave my fish tank its morning inspection and i noticed that my harlequin tusk lost his upper right tooth. Im sure this isnt normal. i dont think fish lose baby teeth right? why would this happen. did he break it on a rock? more importantly, is this a health issue.


Active Member
He could've broken it on a rock. Are there any aggressive tankmates in with him? Honestly I don't know if the tooth will grow back or not. Just keep water conditions very good, and make sure no one is picking on him. If you do this, he should be fine. Bo
PS, is he still eating ok?


ya. the tusk is eating fine. he isnt acting any different than he was then. he is about 4-5 inches and he is in a tank with a 3 inch clown trigger. the trigger doesnt both him at all. actually the trigger fears the tusk, and the tusk doesnt really act aggressive at all.
anyway he seems healthy. i just hope that the tooth grows back.


New Member
Don't worry about it. My tusk actually lost two teeth by slamming against the glass when he was going for a piece of krill. Since then both teeth have fully regrown (in about eight weeks). As long as he's swimming and feeding well there's no reason to worry.