Is My Hermit Bad?


I recently purchased some bluelegs and in the batch i recieved a white hermit. I thought it was an albino, but im not sure now. Its about the same size, and it has small red dots on the tip of its claws. I usually see it eating alge but i just saw it devour a small hitchiker sponge on my rock. Do all hermits eat sponges, or is this an indicater that this hermit will start eating my corals soon?
I know that some of the larger hermit crabs arent reef safe. I guess this could be the case with yours as well. Id watch it carefully and if it nips at a polyp get it out.


Active Member
I had 2 fuzzy white hermits once.I thought they were cool,until they started to pick at things.I believe there is a reason that only a few types of hermits are readily available in the hobby.