Is my live rock alive?


Active Member

Originally posted by MegsM318
I'm just curious how you can tell if live rock is really alive. What are the signs? Thanks!

Does it appear to have life growing on it?
Does it smell bad? ( as in rotten.)


Does it appear to have life as in like colors(red and white) on some parts of the rock? Is that what you mean by does it appear to have life?


Active Member

Originally posted by maxpain
Does it appear to have life as in like colors(red and white) on some parts of the rock? Is that what you mean by does it appear to have life?

{Oops sorry for being so brief}
Aye. Coraline, cutips, and other crustations would be visible. Not to mention pods, or other small creatures crawling in and out of the rock crevices.


Ok thanks. I think most of the rock I have isn't alive then. How much live rock should I have for a 75 gallon tank? I'd like to buy the minimum amount that will make the tank prosper, since I have a lot of rock already.


Active Member

Originally posted by maxpain
how does the live rock die?

By either not having enough light or long term exposure to improper water chemical levels.


by improper water chemical levels do you mean like high amnonia and nitrate and stuff like that of like other stuff that should not get into the water like lets say glass cleaner, which i am sure would probly kill the lr


Active Member

Originally posted by maxpain
by improper water chemical levels do you mean like high amnonia and nitrate and stuff like that of like other stuff that should not get into the water like lets say glass cleaner, which i am sure would probly kill the lr

Both. High amnonia levels are just as toxic to LR, and the creatures that live on it.