is my Monti healthy...


Is my Montipora digitata healthy? How can I tell. Its my first SPS and has been in the tank for about 2 weeks now. I don't see much polyp extension but have read that's not uncommon in Montipora spp. It keeps getting a thin algae growth over it and a snail will clean it off and then the algae grows back. Its a bright pink color. The set up is 20gallon long tank with 2x55w PC lights (1 10k and 1 actinic) Temp=82-84degrees F, pH=8.0-8.3, alk=8-9 dkh, Ca=420 mg/l, 1.025 for salinity. I'm just trying to tell if its healthy and happy or what.


I'm upgrading the lights to single 175watt MH 10k and 2x55watt actinics as soon as the kit arrives in a week or so. I do see some small budlike things. The nitrates and phosphates are undetectable by my kits. Oh yeah..your pic didn't come through. Thanks for the help...anyone else...


Active Member
The polyps should extend a millimeter or 2. Inbetween there. You should see a distinct polyp on the end. Almost like a miniature goniopora or alveopora stalk just WAY smaller. Thats about it. I was told the polyps don't generate the color the actual skeleton does.... If it turns brown or stark white then its not getting enough light, white its dying.... Except for the tips which are usually whitish in alot of lps.


It should be getting plenty of flow, I have a maxi-jet 900 (230gph) in one corner of the tank and a powersweep 224(190gph) in the other corner. If I figure out how, maybe I'll try a pic later tonite. Thanks for the help.


Active Member
Well they don't need super amounts of current. If the polyps come out you should see them moving some but not at a very hard rate. If that makes sense. Mine gently sway constantly and the coral in general expands great every day. It will draw up at night.....


Given your setup (much like mine BTW) I doubt you could give this thing too much light. I've got mine about 3 inches from the top right under a light - and it's pretty happy.


Some folks think the Monti Digs are lower light sps. I'm not one of them. Here's a side shot of my 150 gal sps tank running 3x400 watt MH's. Also, the more flow the better the grow. This tanks was doing about 4000 gph.
You can see the orange monit dig top right