Is my Mushroom Polyp - Ricordea Green dying?


Originally Posted by zoie2
Nice pics! and congrats on the little ones! I hate when my shrimp steels the food from my corals! Now I just feed him first, then my coral. That usually works a little better.

I've tried that,too,but when it comes to food, my peppermint shrimp's wont stop eating. Little piggy's....


holly geez...
you said you feed your ric frozen brine?.... hmmm direct feed? or just toss in the tank?
ive just purchased a veery small ric...


Hi, Guys Mind if I jump in on this one,, Here is a pic of mine that I got from SWF about a wek ago,,So far so good. I have him in a 29 gallon tank with 50/50 lights. He is at the top of the LR now about 10 inches from the top of the water.


Originally Posted by Coastie5685
holly geez...
you said you feed your ric frozen brine?.... hmmm direct feed? or just toss in the tank?
ive just purchased a veery small ric...
I use a turkey baster, turn off the pumps, and feed very slow.
They love it.


Originally Posted by koldsouth
Hi, Guys Mind if I jump in on this one,, Here is a pic of mine that I got from SWF about a wek ago,,So far so good. I have him in a 29 gallon tank with 50/50 lights. He is at the top of the LR now about 10 inches from the top of the water.
Lookin' good.


New Member
Hey guys, it's really interesting to read all of your comments.
Can you tell me how you get these new polyps to anchor themselves.
I bought a small green ricordea polyp about a month ago. I placed him in a little depression on a piece of live rock. For all that time he stayed in that place and I thought it had attached. Now it has started drifting with the current. I have placed him back in various spots out of flow but he just keeps floaring around. I'm afraid that he will get stuck behind some rock work and die.
Can I get some advice?


I put LR and LS in the bottom half of a 2 L bottle and then place the mushroom in where I want it. I leave it in the tank for a few days and then glue the rock where I want it. It's worked every time.