Is my salt still good? Tips??


New Member
My salt turned to stone!! haha Can I still use it? Or has it become unsafe for the tank?
New to the saltwater and curious what most people do with their salt. I mixed my first batch of water ever and just rolled the top over, obviously it turned solid.
Do most purchase premixed?
Is it safe to make a really really high salinity water mix and dilute it when I am ready to use it?
What kind of container do most seal the salt in if they buy just the salt, as the bags are rather large?
Thanks for any info!!

scopus tang

Active Member
Originally Posted by AaronC0311
My salt turned to stone!! haha Can I still use it? Or has it become unsafe for the tank?
New to the saltwater and curious what most people do with their salt. I mixed my first batch of water ever and just rolled the top over, obviously it turned solid.
Do most purchase premixed?
Is it safe to make a really really high salinity water mix and dilute it when I am ready to use it?
What kind of container do most seal the salt in if they buy just the salt, as the bags are rather large?
Thanks for any info!!
I've broken the salt up with a hammer and used it with no ill effects (only reason to break it up is that it speeds up the disolving process). I think that most on here with larger tanks are purchasing salt in buckets rather than bags, several of those with nanos or small tanks are using premixed (usually the most expensive option). I've used bags before and kept them for over a year, just put a good rubberband around the bag after you open it.


I transfer mine from the bag to a large container that used to hold pretzels. Got it at one of the wholesale grocery stores.


Well-Known Member
Do not make up saltwater at a higher concentration with the intent to dilute it before use. There is a chance that at high concentrations the salts (especially calcium) will form permanently insoluble complexes.


Originally Posted by GeriDoc
Do not make up saltwater at a higher concentration with the intent to dilute it before use. There is a chance that at high concentrations the salts (especially calcium) will form permanently insoluble complexes.
can you put some more light on that please. How would they from?


if you can get salt that turned stony to completely disolve, and measured at the right level of SG, then the mix is good, but most of the time, salt turned stony is very difficult to get them disolve unless you sit by the water jug and stir vigiously. If stony salt doesn't get to disolve completely, your mix can put your fishtank at risk.
Salt water should be mixed at the correct level of SG at the first mix. You can't just add more water to dilute the salinity level because that will take away the PH for the mix, also the chemical in the mix such as calcium, mag, iodine and many different types will not be mixed correctly.

aztec reef

Active Member
Stone salt is fine. It just means it got some moisture thus turning to stone..
Dont store salt water, make your own batch every time for freshness and purity pourposes..