Is my setup ok for an anemone


New Member
I have a 29g Biocube
Lighting is stock= 1- Coralife 10,000K 36Watt Compact Fluorescent
1- Coralife Actinic 36Watt Compact Fluorescent
3-¾ Watt Lunar Blue Moon Glow LED lights
I want to get 2- Juvinile Ocellaris Clown and a host anemone in hopes that they will breed. I need to know if the lighting is suffecient for an anemony and if so what kind of anemone is best for Ocellaris Clowns to reside in? If not what can i do to upgrade the lights so i can properly have an anemone?


I'd give that a no. I even have people saying that my power compacts won't be enough to support an anemone, and I can say with certainty that all types of anemones do best under powerful lighting (all the types you'd want, anyways). Bubble Tip anemones are probably the most hardy, and I've heard that Long tentacles can do okay under lower lighting, but I'd call what I have, Power compacts, the absolute minimum. T-5s and Metal Halides are best.
There's no guarantee that any kind of clown is going to love any type of anemone. Wild clowns take more readily to anemones, but that doesn't mean I'd recommend a wild pair. Tank-raised are more healthy, and can easily and happily breed and live without an anemone.


I would agree with Ino...
I am no lighting expert, but I don't think your lights can support an anemone. As far as upgrading goes, you will want to get either metal halides or T5's. I personally have a 24 gallon aquapod with HQI metal halides. The fixture, which I believ is called the SunPod, is adjustable to different tank sizes and might be good for your tank. They are sold by Current can do a google search to help you get started....High output lights like these are expensive, but sometimes you can find really good deals on them!
Also, I wanted to say that if and when you do upgrade the lights, I have heard that it is best to have your tank established for a minimum of 6-8 months before you should get an anemone....They require pristine water conditions...Also, I have also heard that bubble tip anemones (BTA) are some of the most successful anemones kept in reef tanks...
And lastly, do some reserach on the pros of tank raised ocellaris clowns. I always recommend to purchase tank raised if the species you are looking for is capable of being aquacultured. THere are so many benefits of the tank raised over the wild-caught. Some people claim that it is more difficult for the tank raised clowns to host, but my research tells me otherwise. It looks like hosting is "hardwired" into the clown, and is not necessarily a skill that they "learn" from their parents or anything. Also, many people have had success getting their clowns to host using a picture method... Basically, you tape a picture of a clownfish hosting an anemone to the tank....Once your clowns see this, they often times hop right into the anemone...Check out ORA website for their tank raised clowns
Good luck, take this whole process very slowly and you shall have success! Oh, and welcome to the boards!