Is my shrimp a snail murderer??


Last night I was watching my tank while the moon lights were on and I watched as one of my peppermint shrimp approached a turbo snail that was on the sand, flipped it over and began trying to get it out of the shell to eat it? I was worried about that particular snail being dead anyway because it hadn't moved in 2 days, in the morning if it hadn't moved I was gonna toss it so it didn't mess up the water. Anyways my point is... do pepp. shrimp usually just randomly attack snails or was it jus because the snail was most likely dead? He worked on that thing for a good hour and maybe I'm evil but I let him, it was quite entertaining to watch.


Active Member
They usually won't bother a snail unless it's dead. Sounds like he did his job and cleaned up. :D


Not necessarily so! I saw several peppermint shrimps in my nano attack and kill 10 nassarius snails just added to the tank in one night! They ate them, those murderers!


New Member
My tiger pistol shrimp has been cutting my small feather dusters apart and taking them to his lair.


I don't know if it matters but the shrimp were added about 2 weeks after the snails and they haven't bothered them til what happened last nite, that's why I'm thinking it was already dead. Thanx for your replies.