Is my shrimp in shock?

jessi p

Just got a coral banded shrimp yesterday at the LFS. The LFS owner told me to float him a loooooong time, so we floated him for 4 hours before cutting him loose. However, he is still in the same spot and appears to be stressed (not moving).... have I done the poor thing some harm or is this normal?
I also bought a sebae that is yellowish tan and it appears to be doing well - found itself a spot under a rock and seems happy as a pig in poop, with a nice closed mouth.
My sg is 1.025-ish.


Active Member
you should float for 15minutes to a half hour then drip acclimate to slowly change the water over, click on the acclimation liink to the left where it says aacclimation Flash. most likley yes he's in shock there is a good chace he's going to die. I cant believe they didn' explain how to acclimate him properly. actually yes I can. unfortunatly a lot of thimes you dont get the one person who really knows what they are doing when it comes to salt water when you go to pet stores.

jessi p

The guy at the LFS actually told me that doing it in the bucket was a waste of time and a bunch of BS. I asked about it because I thought that was the proper way to do it, they just told me float him at least 3 hours then cut him loose.
Of course if he dies, they might think I will come rushing back to buy another or something different.
So it's not looking too good for the poor dude eh ? I feel so bad for him.


Active Member
I reccomend in the future not taking any of that persons advice. He is a (select derogatory name of your choice here). some pet stores do Bomb acclimation where they just float then dump them in the tanks. this is really hard on the critters and isnt reccomended for anyone that actually cares about the animals, or the money they are spending on them.

jessi p

Thanks... I should have known when ever question I had resulted in him suggesting something more and more expensive. I was talking with the store owner himself.
Oh and I messed up my SG - it is 1.025 sorry! Whoops. It is still on the green mark where it is supposed to be.


Active Member
I would reccomend either finding some one better that works at that store to ask advice from or not using them for info, if thats how they reccomend doing it then the specimins your buying there are probably having a rough time of it, and you probably shouldnt buy from there. because anything you get after that kind of treatment is likley to be stressed and prone to disease.

jessi p

Thanks Reef - I got some suggestions for good LFS's from another SWF'er. Looks like I will be going to Elmer's in Monroeville Pa from now on.
Is there anything I can do for this poor shrimp? I feel so badly for the poor dude.
Thanks again,
Jessi P


Active Member
Think of it this way, if you keep your SG at 1.025 and the LFS keeps their SG at 1.020 this fish or invert will have some problems adjusting if just dumped right in, that .05 difference is alot to them.

jessi p

OK......... I am crossing my fingers that he makes it.
Dang dang dang WHY didn't I check this site instead of listening to the store owner!!! I DID know that the sebae is healthier tan than it is white, totally because of research I have done on this site.


Active Member
Originally Posted by reefkprZ
Bomb acclimation
I've never heard or read this. Did you coin this phrase? I like it.


Active Member
Thats just what me and some friends call it, you float 'em then Bomb them into the tank. it pretty much has the same effect on the animals as a bomb would so its fitting. I dont know If I coined it persay but I'll take credit for it.....

jessi p

"Bomb Acclimate" - cool phrase.
The update on the shrimp is that he seems to be doing slightly better! He has oriented himself properly and is now standing on his own feet instead of nose down, rump high like he was. He is more animated now with his antennae and feelers, but staying in the one spot.


A buddy of mine has one and he did the same thing (he was acc properly too) it took him a few days to move around but is all over the tank now.

jessi p

Mace TY TY!! It is reassuring to know that your buddy's shrimp is now fine after an initial shock. :cheer: :cheer: :cheer:


LFS = lost fish story
Don't take there advice, I didn't lose any livestock bc of the the bad advice I took, but I did have to tear down my 150 and redo the substrate which wasn't fun.
Lesson learned, always take advice from this site first, and never from the lfs..


New Member
Originally Posted by azaintcold
LFS = lost fish story
Don't take there advice, I didn't lose any livestock bc of the the bad advice I took, but I did have to tear down my 150 and redo the substrate which wasn't fun.
Lesson learned, always take advice from this site first, and never from the lfs..

Hey now not all LFS are bad