Is my stocking list good?


These are the fish I was planning on getting:
Coral Beauty 2-3 inches
Green Chromis x 3 1 inch
Percula Clown x2 1-2 inches
Blackcap Basslet 2-3 inches
Yellow Clown Gobyx2 1 inch
Serpent Star 5-6 inches
Turbo snails x 10
Nassarius snails x10
Cleaner shrimp
Cleaner Clam
My tank is 55 gallons and my paremeters are:
Does this sound good, or do I need to restock and do more water changes?


Active Member
get the ammonia to go down a tad bit and even better try to get it down to zero. get doing water changes weekly and testing your water. do you have live rock in the tank? how long has your tank been cycled?

jonny bolt

I let my water cycle fully, so that ammonia is zero, before starting to do water changes. I also use Bacter-Vital to help out. Works wonders.


Active Member
I would suggest to stop using additives, and start doing 10% weekly water changes. I'd also say that your stocking list is a little too large. You may want to take the Basslets off the list, and only get two Chromis instead of 3. Oh, and you want to add those fish slowly. I'd say start with the least aggressive fish (goby) and go from there. It should take about 6 months before all the fish listed there are in your tank, giving your biological filtration a chance to catch up.


Thanks for replying guys! I'll start doing water changes once a week instead of once every two weeks, and i'll pass on the basslet. Also, my tank has been runnin for about a year, I just didn't really get a whole lot of fish. I got a school of three green chromis, then a pair of clowns, and last a six-line. The six-line ended up killing two of the crhomis and one of the clowns. The other clown died from a disease (not sure what kind though) from the LFS. I wasn't planning on ordering all these at once. I was going to order the chromis, shrimp, hermit crabs, snails and clames firts. Then I was going to make two seperate orders to get the rest. Does this sound better? Also, don't green chromis need to be in a school of at least three?


Active Member
Yup, my fault. They need to be in schools of odd numbers.
Personally I wouldnt add more than one type of fish at a time, and preferably only 1 fish at a time. Adding three fish to a brand new and newly cycled tank might be a bit much.


that's the thing, its been running for about a year. Not trying to be a jerk or pain. Do you still think I should just add one chromis, or is it safe to add two (I have one that survived my six-line's rampage). Also, what is that white thing in your avatar or whatever its called?