Originally Posted by
James Larocque
well it has been three weeks now and the guy at my lfs said i should buy two chromis and two clowns to get my tank started. His methods are different but he is not an idiot. He has 9 beatutiful reef tanks and alot of fish.
Sorry, I guess "idiot" was over the top. I can remember when lfs owners were THE source for info; sadly, this is seldom the case any more. But, telling you that you"
dont need to to buy a nitrate/nitrite test kit because zero ammonia equals zero nitrates/nitrites" is just plain wrong. Test one of his non-reef tanks; I'll bet the farm that you find "0" ammonia, but a fairly high nitrate reading. Ammonia is deadly to fish,; but nitrate, at a reasonable level, is harmless. Without knowing your nitrate level, there is no way you can tell for sure how your cycle is progressing. As you grow in the hobby, regular nitrate testing will be vital for several reasons.
I can see how telling someone that the cycle is over and you can add fish when you return to zero ammonia may be OK in many cases; but hobbyists still need the knowledge of how the cycle works.....not just a shortcut that may, or may not, be right.