New Member
I am a beginner in the saltwater hobby and new to this forum and have a few questions for you experts. Let me start by telling you about my set up. I have a 95 gallon FOWLR, live sand 60lbs, 30lbs LR,40lbs base rock,wet/dry filtration, no skimmer or uv steralizer yet. I started cycle 3 1/2 weeks ago with the LR and with 2 yellow tail damsels and 1 Chromis as instructed by LFS to help cycle process. About 1 week ago had my water tested @ LFS and was told my tank had cycled already and could add a fish or 2. So I purchased a yellow tang and I inherited a clarkie clown from a friend who couldn't have him in his tank anymore (it was getting picked on). All my fish are doing fine, eating etc. today I noticed an algea bloom on my sand and LR which I assume are Diatoms? Isnt this part of the cycle process? If so I don't know why LFS told me I cycled already? While reading other posts about the diatoms have noticed many members instructing others not to add fish until after this happens. Did I jump the gun and add fish too soon? I want to do this right, but was just doing as instructed by LFS and thought I was. Are my fish going to be O.K. during this diatom process. I was also told my salinity or specific gravity should be @ 1.016-1.018 on hydrometer for FOWLR but every post I found here says somewhere about 1.022-1.025? I don't have inverts but am considering getting some snails or cleaners for the algea, but was told to have inverts my Salinity should be higher? I wish I found this site before I started. What do I do? Thanks