Is my tank cycled or not?


New Member
I am a beginner in the saltwater hobby and new to this forum and have a few questions for you experts. Let me start by telling you about my set up. I have a 95 gallon FOWLR, live sand 60lbs, 30lbs LR,40lbs base rock,wet/dry filtration, no skimmer or uv steralizer yet. I started cycle 3 1/2 weeks ago with the LR and with 2 yellow tail damsels and 1 Chromis as instructed by LFS to help cycle process. About 1 week ago had my water tested @ LFS and was told my tank had cycled already and could add a fish or 2. So I purchased a yellow tang and I inherited a clarkie clown from a friend who couldn't have him in his tank anymore (it was getting picked on). All my fish are doing fine, eating etc. today I noticed an algea bloom on my sand and LR which I assume are Diatoms? Isnt this part of the cycle process? If so I don't know why LFS told me I cycled already? While reading other posts about the diatoms have noticed many members instructing others not to add fish until after this happens. Did I jump the gun and add fish too soon? I want to do this right, but was just doing as instructed by LFS and thought I was. Are my fish going to be O.K. during this diatom process. I was also told my salinity or specific gravity should be @ 1.016-1.018 on hydrometer for FOWLR but every post I found here says somewhere about 1.022-1.025? I don't have inverts but am considering getting some snails or cleaners for the algea, but was told to have inverts my Salinity should be higher? I wish I found this site before I started. What do I do? Thanks


are you testing your levels at all? when your done cycling your ammonia and nitrate levels should be at 0. get yourself a decent test kit.
yes, what you are describing is probably diatoms. its normal in new tanks. it should subside in a few weeks.
noooooo thats too low for salinity. your salinity should be around 1.024-1.026.
and its probably alittle soon for a yellow tang, especially if your not sure if you're cycled. they are grazers and need algae or sheets.
and yes, you should get a cleanup crew. everybody has different preferences about what to get. i would get some snails, they help with algae the most.
id wait and read alittle more before adding anything else.


get your own test kits. you need- calcium, alk, phosphate, ammonia, nitrate, nitrite, & ph. that first salinity imo is a little low. 1.025 is about right for fish and inverts. you probably are experincing a diatom bloom. don't get any thing else till you can get everything in check. make sure you put algae sheets or romaine soaked in selcon for your tang. you'll probably get some beef from some people for cycling your tank with damsels. oh well it done. we're here to help you as much as we can. welcome to the boards.


New Member
Thanks for the info.I did have my water tested @ LFS before adding Tang and Clarkie and amonia and nitrites were at 0 and was told the tank had cycled. I just picked up a test kit today and levels are still good. As for the salinity I was told by LFS for a FOWLR your salt levels should be between 1.016-1.018 and that will help prevent ich since it can't survive in low salinity, I havent checked into that anymore though. I was told that a reef or invert tank requires higher levels between 1.022-1.025. I'm not second guessing you I'm just letting you know where I got my info. Thanks again


i would def recommend doing everything yourself in this hobby. you never know if the person doing your testing knows what they are doing.
as for the salinity, yes, ick cannot survive in low salinity, but i believe it must be lower than that. i know QT tanks should be around 1.008 to eliminate ick. do you plan on having a clean up crew? inverts (shrimp, snails, etc) wont survive at your salinity.


Active Member
In addition, natural sea water is gonna be around 1.024-27.
Did you personally know the person at the lfs? If not, I would follow the advice you get from this site/reading much closer. Just my experience...


Fish stores keep there tanks around 1.018 because they keep livestock short term your home tank IMO should be between 1.023 - 1.025. Always check the info you get from your LFS...Remember why they are in business and that is to make money. I wouldn't add anything else to your tank that is a large bio load for a new tank. I would take that tang back and give your tank and yourself some time to settle in. Don't rush...nothing good happens in this hobby over night. Enjoy what you have, read read and then read some more. Welcome aboard.


yea one of the first rules in the hobby.. dont always believe what your LFS tells you. you'll read all sorts of horror stories on these boards about LFS advice.