Is my tank empty?


I want opinions of others. As you might know I just lost a cleaner shrimp and an anemones because of my broken heater. Now I only have one fish, true sebae clownfish, two really small feather dusters, three astrea snails, sally lightfoot and emerald crab (which I don't see very often considering its size that's very3 small).
My tank looks empty, but maybe I have exceeded the maximum amount of stock in my tank, have I? It's a ten gal by the way.
I have a $5 store credit from the anemones, and I don't know what to do with it.
I'm thinking about getting another fish, just for a friend for the sebae. Any recommendation? I like many options :D .
Or other inverts? A new small cleaner shrimp? Some more snails?
Or if not then I'm thinking on getting corals. Low light corals, such as leather, polyps and mushrooms, is my tank suitable enough? I only have a single 16 watt fluorescent bulb, can those live under that lighting? Any specific recommendation on any species?
I'll really appreciate your help, thanks...
stupid_naso :) :) :)


Active Member
i'd go with snails and a cleaner shrimp, but in a 10 gallon, i would stop with the seabae
adn a mushroom, or leather may do fine, in your size tank, they will also grow, so bear in mind, you may have to propigate them lateer on


fshhub, so I should get the shrimp, the snails and the corals? All of them? Okie :D .
But what species of leather coral do you recommend? Or even mushroom? I want the species names, if you can :) . Thanks for the reply.
Anyone else? Opinions?


Mushroom leathers are neat. Any colored mushrooms should be fine, but I'll stay away from the elephant ear since it has been known to eat small fish and inverts. You can also go with some low light polyps. Just do a search here on this site for the ones that need low lights. Cleaner shrimps are nice too as it will add color.


Active Member
the shrimp and sanil will not add a significant amount ot your bioload, and i myself like the bullseye mushrooms, and toadstool mushroom leatehr, they are nice looking corals, i realllllllllly like the bullseye mushrooms


OK after reading some more about those corals that you guys mention, I'm planning to get...
Button Polyp (Green)
Bullseye Mushroom (fshhub, I agree they look cool)
One leather coral
Now about the leather, which one? I know that states that it needs low lighting, but I went to other websites and according to them toadstool leather coral needs medium to strong lighting. I want to get the toadstool hoping that my sebae will get confused and thinks it's an anemones :D . So any argument from experienced toadstoolers :D ?
So what do you guys think? Is that good?
Uh I have an UGF currently, should I take it out?
Thanks again,


What are your water qualities with the undergravel..The problem they seem to have is cause an increase in nitrates..You probably should take it out..It wouldn't cost an awful lot and is easier to do now before adding the corals..How about a dsb..It will also raise the corals up higher in the tank closer to the lighting..You generally want a 4-6 inch base..Do you have lr ? Forgot what was in your post..Live rock any amount will help considerably to help filter the water keeping your water parameters where they should be..For a 10 gallon you can get by pretty cheap..Recommended is 1.5- 2lbs per gallon> It doesn't need the high light because your using it to sustain the water quality not necessarily to grow stuff on it..Mushroom anenomes should do fairly well with your setup as far as lighting is concerned..


Active Member
toadstool mushroom leatehr and polyps are neat too, i agree
and biggdriver answered the rest, but do you mean mushroom corals?, instead of anemones??
one thing, withonly a 10 gallon, you may not want 3 mushrooms and leather corals, they will grow, quite large if given the chance(maybe someone else can help with this better)


Active Member
yep yep, but nano's are the greatist LITTLE thing, since the large tanks(who needs sliced bread when you got reefs?)LOL


hey stupid how mush live sand and live rock do you have, i have a ten gallon with 25p of live sand and 20p of live rock. i have one rio 180 power head and a hang on filter for water movement, i don't use the filter pad is not needed with my sand and live rock set up. i have a 32w pc smartlamp, i do a one gallon water change per week and i have 4 line shrooms and 1 colt coral. i will be getting one firefish, one cabage leather, one finger leather, toad stoal and some xenia. i'll be getting the toad stoal, firefish and some blue leg crabs tomorrow.

this pic was taken after i had added my sand.


Wow, I didn't expect that many responses, thanks.
Now about the lr and ls. Currently I have about 6 lbs of lr, and probably less than 2 inches of ls (the UGF makes it looks like it's more than that). I can get more ls, if needed, my friend has so much of them, she's not using them :D . I have, if I'm not mistaken, a Profile Powerhead which pumps up to 84 gph. I have a Penguin Bio-wheel Filter installed too.
Krusk, don't have the money to get 125 g :D .
reefcrazy, don't call me stupid, :D , j/k. I also do 1 gallon water change every week. I'll get more ls, and more lr. My lr is not as heavy as it looks. Soon I'll have a picture of my tank, but don't know when. Basically it looks the same with the one you have, except I don't have as many lr.
biggdriver, with the UGF, my nitrate is 20 ppm. Last time I checked my ammo was less than .25 ppm. I still have a bit ammo problem. Nitrite is 0 and Ph is 8.2. I'll probably take out the UGF, and go shopping this weekend.
fshhub, so will the toadstool be fine with my 16 w lighting? And what do you mean by "you may not want 3 mushrooms and leather corals, they will grow, quite large if given the chance(maybe someone else can help with this better)." I'm not getting 3 mushrooms, just one, but I am getting the button polyps though.
Thanks again guys...


Active Member
you may be right on the leather, adn i meant 3 total species of coral, i relly like your choice of polyps and mushrooms
as i said i don't know on space but maybe soemone else can help there
here is some info that may help in choosing a coral for your clown , maybe this will help more
<a href="" target="_blank">corals and clowns</a>
they did have a page, on alternate hosts for clowns, 2 weeks ago, i don't seee it now, but i'm sure if you look for it, it is in there somewhare