Is my tank full?


Ok, i was just wondering if my tank was up to its maximum stocking level for fish, or possibly over...heres the specs
Juwel Lido 100L (22g) tank
2 x 15w with reflectors
Internal Juwel Filter (300g/h)
Fluval 304 external (1000g/h) thats also pulling water through a fluval 204 external (i'll explain if anyone wants)
Piccalo Skimmer
1x Indonesian Fire clown - 2"
1x Red Scooter Blenny - 1"
1x Firefish - 2.5"
10 Hermits
4 Turbo snails
Red Starfish
Candy Cane shrimp
assorted mushrooms, polyps and a leather


I wouldn't add another fish to that tank IMO. But if you really wanna add another fish, maybe another firefish?? They tend to be more active in pairs/group. But overall, I would say no to adding another fish. If you wanna have some new buddies in your tank, you may go to add some shrimps or crabs since they add very little/none to your bioload and they are great to watch as well. HTH:) :)


Active Member
I would say you are full, but let's just check a few more things out.
Could you tell us more about your setup? Start date, how long you have had the fish, water parameters (ammonia, nitrite, nitrate, pH, alk, specific gravity)?


Yeah Sure, just done a water change and tested water before hand.
Tank Started: August 2002
First Fish Added: 29/09/02
Last Fish Added: 31/12/02
Ammonia - 0.0
Nitrite - 0.0
Nitrate - 5.0
Sg - 1.025
Only had one fish die on me and that was when i added the first fish.
I was looking for something like a damsel, or i swap my clown for another type


Just a reminder that IMO, almost all kinds of damsels can get fairly territorical. I personally wouldn't trade away the clown fish b/c I am a clownfish lover. What makes you think to trade away your clown for another?? Just curious.