I have a 30g reef tank, with :
1 cleaner wrasse
1 cleaner shrimp
1 small percula
4 damsel fish
4 corals (2 polyps, and 2 hard)
2 anemone
18 pound of LR
Is my tank overloaded ??
the best way to tell if your tank has to much of a bio load is to watch your ammonia levels. If they go up and u do a water change and then in a few days they go up again then yes you have to much of a bio load.
Now if you are asking of over crowding I would think that you are at your limit because the damsel are some what aggressive and need space.
Aside from the things also mentioned keep an eye on the fish for oxygen content. If they are stressed the will be hanging towards the surface and gasping for air. Make sure you have good water flow, oxygen transfer,and filter system. Don't over feed eather.