is my tank ready?!?!


I just set up the tank i got from over 6 hours away. i transported the fish safely(with help from a bunch of you guys thank you so much!) anyways, i have 4 chromis, a 4 stripe damsel, a lawnmower blenny, a true percula, a coral banded shrimp, a cc starfish and a decorator crab. They are all still in a cooler with an airstone and a heater.I want to know if my water levels in the main tank are ok.
my ammonia level is about .3- .5 mg/l
nitrate level is about 30-40 mg/l
nitrite and ph are good.
i want to put all of the fish into the tank but want to make sure these levels are safe for them. especially the inverts. cuz i know they are extra touchy. thanks
ps if someone could give me a general idea of the safe ranges for ammonium/nitrite and nitrate for fish/ inverts i would appreciate it. (i know all fish and inverts tolerate diff. levels, but just a general idea of what would be acceptable.)


oh yeah 1 more thing. my levels in the cooler are pretty similar to those in the tank, and since the fish seem to be doing ok in the cooler, i am hoping they would be fine in the tank. if the levels are basically the same, do i still need to acclimitize my fish or can i just move them straight in with my net?


Active Member
Can you do a water change before you put them in? Then i would acclaimate them maybe by adding alittle of the new tank water with whats in the cooler for an hr or so. The nitrates are ok, but the ammonia is dangerous.


Active Member
If the levels in the cooler are the same as the tank, you might as well give them the extra space to swim. I'd do frequent water changes though, to keep the water within tolerable ranges. I'd rather see that ammonia below .25, but if the cooler water is the same, it won't hurt them any more than it is doing so already.


i will do a water change asap. i guess i will put them in because i mean the levels are pretty much the exact same in the two. i just tested the salinity and it is about 1.0255 in the cooler and 1.025 in the tank. i did this test with a hydrometer. i also got a refractometer with the deal but i need some help using i just dip the whole end into the water or do i just put a water sample under the glass?!!? sorry i just really dont know how to work it and dont want to ruin it or anything. tahnks.


Active Member
Originally Posted by norcal
i also got a refractometer with the deal but i need some help using it...
Didn't it come with instructions? I don't know enough about it to instruct you.


With a refractom. you just put a drop of water on the blue side and close the glass lid and look through the eye piece to get your SG. The only reason I know this id=s b/c I am a nurse and we use them at my hospital
You defin. don't want to stick the whole thing in the h2o.---just a dab will do you :D


Depends on what kind u have---some yes---you should have a tiny screwdriver to calibrate it. easiest way is to cal. to tap h20---which should be 0--instructions would def. help w/ calibration though---if any questions I can call my bro-in-law in the am---he is a sales rep for all that kinda stuff--if u give me a make and model # i can e-mail u the instruc. if u don't already have them. :joy:


thanks guys. i got it figured all out and have since moved my fish into the main tank along with 36 gallons of new water. so far all is well with my fish. i will continue to monitor the levels and whatnot. i think that my tank is going to do very well. :yes: thanks for all the help.