is my tank ready?



well, hi guys. im not really that new to clams. not new at all to corals. im wondering if my ten gallon was ready for clams. im going to finish cycling in a couple of weeks. im wondering if i could get it after my tank is a little stabler, like next month around the first weekend.
its a ten gallon tank. standard dimensions.
it has PC's. 130 watts. 13 watts per gallon.
please tell me if i can keep it in here.

trust me, be honest and harsh if you have too. i will listen, as i dont want my money to melt away. (sorry, bad pun
i probably seem pretty desprate. its because i found a great deal on two clams for 20 dollars each. 3-4 inches! ones a dersa, and not really sure what the other is, but i will find out.
and if my tank is not ready, i guess i will be able to find a temporary house for them...


Active Member
I hate to put a damper on it but I don't think your tank will be big enough for a lower-light-demanding clam like a derasa, they grow quickly and get Huge. (well over a foot long, your standard 10g tank is only 10" by 20")Some clams like crocea stay smaller but have really high light requirements (Metal Halide or a lot of T5HO's) Plus clams really suck the calcium out of a system, making it hard to maintain in smaller volumes.
I don't want your money to melt away, no, and I doubt you'll get flamed as you're doing the responsible thing by asking first.


yea, i plan on getting some clams in the future. which kind? i dont know yet, since im getting them in the future, that leaves me a lot of time to figure out which kind i like and can maintain.
oh, and i had to pass up the deal, as i was out of town, and the seller said its first come first serve. :(


Active Member
the only clam that can survive under pc lighting imo is derasa in a shallow tank. but a newly setup 10 gallon tank wont be good. i'd say wait at least the tank has been up for 4-5 months b4 even considering it. clams also need waste produce by fish to thrive.