I have a Niger Trigger, a Porcupine Puffer, and a Regal Tang. Will any of these eat any corals. I want some but I don't want them to get destroyed, obviously.
once upon a time i had an agressive reef tank with a dwarflion a pork and a niger and a blue tang the only thing that ate my corals was the blue tang, go figure
Not only will they destroy your corals but they all are big waste producers. It would be hard to keep the water "clean" enough to keep corals except for maybe zoos and shrooms.
Originally Posted by hot883
No crab or snail will survive those eaters either.
I have 2 crabs stay hidden in the rocks and 2 turbo snails. I had 3 but 1 got munched. Guess I'll stay away from reefs. damn
I have a niger and a hum trigers in my tank with soft corals I started adding the extra growth from my 55 reef to my 75 and have had no trouble with them I have a valitien puffer in there as well. xeinna cabbage devils hand mushroom and a toadstool coral