Is ok to get a eel now?


Active Member
Well i just hooked my skimmer up and and there is some adjustments to do to it. I was wondering if i can get a eel now although my skimmer has more adjustments to do. I will be ordering the eel online and if i order the eel today i wonder if it will come tomarrow :thinking:


Active Member
How did you cycle the tank? I would definitely "push it" before adding a big eater like that. "Feed" the tank with flake or pellets or something for a week and see if you get any ammonia spike. Or put a couple of dead shrimp in there for a week or so. If no ammonia spike, you should be OK to go, if you get're better off knowing that.


Active Member
I would still feed it to be sure...big eater. It is what I recommend doing for any fish regardless of if the tank is cycled as it depends on how you cycled it as well and is just a good "paranoia" test before buying something expensive. But if you feel you are good to go and don't want any other advice on it, then go for it.


Active Member
well i might wait for the eel(labor day weekend) and i might go and get a volitan lion tomorrow. The eel that i'm getting is a goldentail moray. The reason why i'm not getting the eel is becuase i got to seal the tank and that will take some time, so i will go and get a lion, plus i also here they can actully live through a cycle...just in case something bad happens.(i got a damsel in my tank too and the tank has been set up for about 3 weeks.) I put all the old sand and rocks from my 55gal into the 125gal and some water from the 55gal into the 125gal too.


Active Member
Not all can live through a cycle and regardless of whether they can "live" or not it is neither ideal nor particularly humane. Not to mention bad water quality usually negates any warranty on a fish. Personally, I would wait until your tank is sealed and in good shape to be sure you save money and can provide the best environment for the fish. JMO tho


if you put your lion with the damsel mostlikely it will eat it. Just make sure your tank is good before adding any fish. Don't get in a hurry. Just my opinion.


Active Member
not in a hurray, i think i will order the eel today if it dont come tomorrow then its the lion i will get at the pet store


Active Member
Originally Posted by ophiura
Not all can live through a cycle and regardless of whether they can "live" or not it is neither ideal nor particularly humane. Not to mention bad water quality usually negates any warranty on a fish. Personally, I would wait until your tank is sealed and in good shape to be sure you save money and can provide the best environment for the fish. JMO tho
Just did a water check up today.....all is A OK


a good way to help the cycle along is to put some used dirrty filter media from ur old tank in ther new one. I did it to my 12G eclipse QT tank and everything evened out in a week or so, but I would never put a lion in while still cycling! good luck


lionfish r not the best for a new tank i put one in mine and i'm having all kinds of propblems now they r hard to medicate if something goes wrong so wait a while till u put the lion in.