Aquaman: What is your concern in the matter? Meaning, are you concerned with contamination being caused to the tank somehow or is it that the heat and humidity will cause the poly to take longer to cure? I only ask because it's not like he's using the stuff on his wood floor...he's only looking for a moisture barrier in his canopy. Personally I think it will be dry enough for him to get away with after a day or two in this case. Just currious.
I work with the stuff all the time. It can contaminate a tank if not cured, not that it will happen, but that it can happen. In the summer/warmer months cure time is shorter, but the OP is from PA according to his bio, so I am sure it is still cool and humid. Besides that you could get spalding in the wood over the course of a year which could allow moisture in and rot the wood faster than normal use for the aquarium. For my own use I would err on the side of caution and give the poly time to cure, at least a week to be on the safe side. It is up to him and he may never have a problem with it, and I hope he does not.