Is PVC all the same?


New Member
I've seen PVC at home depot for alot cheeper than my pet store. Is it all the same or is there any different?

fish fry

Some PVC says for coldwater only. I was told by someone at HD and on one of the boards that it doesn't matter. They just don't want you using very hot water through them. If I remember correctly they PVC did have a temperature rating on it that wasn't to be exceeded. Darned if I can remember what it was, I'm thinking maybe 50 degrees...Can anyone else know what I am talking about.
I ended up going to a pool supply store. They have flexible tubing designed for warm water.


PVC is PVC.... you don't need the type of PVC that will carry hot water. It is called cpvc. You can tell the difference by the color of the pipe. PVC is white, cpvc is cream color. The cpvc also has a smaller size than pvc. It is okay to use cpvc if you want to. It is just a little more expensive than pvc. The 1/2 inch size is very good to hook up returns for smaller tanks. By all means, buy it at HD.


Staff member
It matters if you prefer black PVC becuase it is less noticable in the aquaria....


Yes, it is safe. Just no metals, and you have to make sure it is pressure safe, as in being used for a pump.


most pvc is rated to like 50 deg c. I THINK i put down black PVC for my dad's sprinkler system. so you might find it in the lawn section.
my LFS sells the clear flex tubing for like 1.50 a foot, you go a mile up the road and a HD sells the same stuff for .25 a foot. they are on the same rolls. DOn't you love marketing!