Is reef lighting expensive to run??


I have had a 55g FOWLR for about 2 years. I am looking to upgrade to a new lighting system so I can promote good alge growth on my LR. I am almost convinced on purchasing a 48" 4 x 65 watt satellite lighting system but I am worried that my electric bill is going to go up a lot pushing 260 watts of lighting.
Anyone have a estimate on how much my electric bill will go up with this type of lighting system?
Also, is that too much lighting for me. I am really looking to maybe have a soft coral or two but mainly to promote growth on my LR and show off my fish. Would a 2 x 65 watt be better. Right now I am using 18 watt pro glow bulbs in a standard hood. My LFS has a 2 x 65 watt system on all their tanks and they have what I am looking for. Good alge growth and soft corals.
Any help???


Active Member
put it this way your avg. frigerator is generally about 750watts, large color tv have higher wattage use than 260 watts as well. I hear MH lights use alot more electricity than any of the flourescents.


Active Member
HI-we have a 55 gallon and have 4x65 watts on ours as well. We are slowly adding in zoos and mushrooms and the coraline is looking great now too. The lights really bring out the color of the fish and make it look like a saltwater tank, IMO. I can tell you that we started new light on our 55 and 29 in the same month 260 on the 55, 130 watts on the 29 and our electric bill only went up about $20/month. Hope that helps.


Active Member
We have 3 freshwater tanks and two saltwater tanks, plus running the tv during the day for my parrot to watch. I have just regular lighting on all the tanks except one, I run 2-110w VHO Actinics with built in ballast, 2-175w MH 14k with IceCap Ballast, and dual fans, plus running a fan beside it to keep the tank cool. My electric bill runs around $120 a month. That's from running central heat also. So it's not so bad. :happyfish


Active Member
i have a 55 with 260 watts of pc, my parents didnt even notice a change in the electic bill, but if u get MH you WILL notice a difference


It's not the MH really that makes the difference it is the watts. I went from a 260 on my 75 to a 560 and moved the 260 to a 175 fowlr and also added a 130 to a 15 gallon tank. I have 12 power heads running most being the mj 1200 a 1800 Mag drive sump pump an emperor 400 and a emperor 125 as well as a 500 w heater a 200 w heater and a 70 watt heater a 52 inch big screen for the kids two deep freezes and a large side by side fridge and our electric bill is about 100 bucks a month. not to bad if i do say so myself. Also forgot to mention have had christmas lights running since Thanksgiving. lol about 400 bulbs plus the tree about 3 strands just got the bill today $104.00


You can do some simple math to get you in the ballpark.
If I wanted to figure out my lights only, then it would look like this:
4 x 250watt MH = 1000watts or 1Kw
1Kw x 10 hours a day = 10Kw per day usage
So Cal Edison charges about .17 per KWH.
So.... it cost me 10 x .17 = $1.70 per day x 30 days = $51 per month to run my lights.


Active Member
YYYYAAAAAAYYYYYYYY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :jumping: :jumping:
more $$ leaving the house


Active Member
Originally Posted by Harndog
It's not the MH really that makes the difference it is the watts. I went from a 260 on my 75 to a 560 and moved the 260 to a 175 fowlr and also added a 130 to a 15 gallon tank. I have 12 power heads running most being the mj 1200 a 1800 Mag drive sump pump an emperor 400 and a emperor 125 as well as a 500 w heater a 200 w heater and a 70 watt heater a 52 inch big screen for the kids two deep freezes and a large side by side fridge and our electric bill is about 100 bucks a month. not to bad if i do say so myself. Also forgot to mention have had christmas lights running since Thanksgiving. lol about 400 bulbs plus the tree about 3 strands just got the bill today $104.00
Where ever your at, your electric bill is CHEAP!!!! I don't even run that much stuff and my electric bill runs around $105 a month!