Is an actually a Store


Sinnergirl I keep hearing from people that they get free stuff for repeat buying but I've made 3 orders and haven't got anything free. What's up?


Im in need of some live rock. Has anyone purchased this from SWF? If so, what is the quality? My LFS charges $12.99 a lb. Im not paying that, just yet...


{EDIT - out of respect to the owner and operator of this board, we do ask that you not post/request links to other stores. Just a courtesy thing...thanks,


threed240! yo there is a store in marietta and canton that charge 6.99 a pound. the store in canton has better rock, if your intrested ill tell you her info.


Originally Posted by Zanski
threed240! yo there is a store in marietta and canton that charge 6.99 a pound. the store in canton has better rock, if your intrested ill tell you her info.
theres this small fish store in marietta called tropical fish or something like that and i got hooked up with a duster and a huge xl turbo snail (like 5 inch diameter)for free! great place.


Originally Posted by Zanski
threed240! yo there is a store in marietta and canton that charge 6.99 a pound. the store in canton has better rock, if your intrested ill tell you her info.
Yeah, hit me up at It would be worth the drive.

sinner's girl

I guess they increased the fuel charge then, last July it was 2.99
Sub-Total: $84.29
Tax: $0.00
Shipping: $0.00
Surcharge: $9.99
Fuel Charge: $2.99
Saturday Shipping Charges: $0.00
Still, I've always like the inverts I've gotten, expect last time they sent me a green brittle star (which may eat fish and need 100gl tank) rather than the brown one I ordered. I didn't contact them at the time because I didn't know my tank was too small for the green brittle.
Sinnergirl I keep hearing from people that they get free stuff for repeat buying but I've made 3 orders and haven't got anything free. What's up?
Hey, just seeing this. Not sure, when did you order? we ordered 5 years ago and last Aug. last Aug we didn't get anything free because we hadn't ordered anything since they started the free item thing.
When you get to check out, there will be a free item drop down box, with a selection of items to chose from, inverts, fish, plants, ect...I'm guessing you'll get better free items the more you order.
" is very pleased to announce its new Repeat Buyer Program! We would like to thank the tens of thousands of you that constantly make repeat purchases from our company. So many of you continue to purchase from us again and again, many of whom have passed the 50 order mark, and we wanted to offer you something in return for your loyalty. We have designed a Repeat Buyer Program that entitles you to free fish, corals, or inverts for each of your repeat purchases.
The way the program works is each live goods purchase places you into a corresponding "Level". Each Level (1,2,3, etc.) will offer you a choice of different free items each time you order. Our system will recognize you once you've logged into the shopping cart and notify you of the level you've reached, along with your choice of free items. The free items will change from time to time and are only on the list during the time they're in stock.
We're dedicated to bringing you the best possible live fish, corals, and invertebrates from around the world and we want to thank you for recognizing that with your repeated purchases from our company. We look forward to continuing to serve you in the future." from Repeat Buyers.
To test this, I added a reef package to my shipping cart, when I was there I got...
Repeat Customer Program
Congratulations! Because of your loyalty to, we are pleased to announce that you qualify for a free gift! Today's purchase places you in Level 1. Each level offers a choice of different free items, levels are based on the number of purchases you've made, and the free items will change from time to time. Your free item will not show up in your shopping cart, but if you've highlighted it in the drop-down menu below it will be added to your order when you hit "Confirm Order". If you leave this page you will need to re-select it upon your return.
Currently there are crabs, clam, hermits, snails, shrimp and two carnials to pick from for level one. Nice selection!


Active Member

Originally Posted by Sinner's Girl
I've order inverts but not fish from here, I like to hand pick my fish. but the local selection sucks so I may get a fish or 2 with my next order.
I've ordered fish many times from this site and the fish are almost always top quality. I've had two incidents...
The first time, I added an Emperor Angel to a system with a Pearlscale Butterfly, both from The Angel died of Velvet 17 days later and the Pearlscale 3 days after that. I explained to that the whole tank was stocked with their fish, so the velvet must have come from them. replaced both fish. The second Pearlscale is doing great. (Read: use a QT tank...)
The second time, was the replacement Emperor. He came out of the bag FUBAR'd and died within a day. replaced this fish as well, but they haven't gotten any more in yet for me to try again.
SO, long story short, I've ordered dozens of fish and they've always been top quality specimens, and in the very rare circumstances when there have been problems, they've made it right, even when they didn't have to.
Now, as for the free items, it is based on how much total money you've spent. I'm working from memory here, so my numbers I may not be completely accurate.
LEVEL 1 (At least 250 Total, and probably at least one prior order)

Little stuff... Scarlet Hermit Crab, Feather Duster, Queen Conch, etc. Think 3-7 dollar value.
LEVEL 2 (At least 500 total)

Little better... Group of 10 bluelegs, Horseshoe Crab, Condi Anemone, Damsel, Cleaner Clam, Decorator crab. Think 7-10 dollar value.
LEVEL 3 (At least 750 Total)

Even more... pajama cardinal, Group of 3 peppermint shrimp, Pygmy Angel, etc. Think 10-18 dollar value.
LEVEL 4 (At least 1000 Total) (Where I am now)

Getting good... Group of 3 pajama cardinals, Yellow Tang, Group of 5 Peppermint Shrimp, Orange Linkia Star, fire shrimp, cleaner shrimp, etc. Think 18-25 dollar value.
The nice thing is that once you spend enough, the free item they give you exceeds the cost of processing and fuel surcharge, so as long as you want what's on the list, you get the equivelant of completely free shipping. I'm at about 1350 right now, so I figure I need to hit 1500. I can't wait to see what level 5 gives me... or maybe I'm maxed out...