Is Steve West Website finished????

nm reef

Active Member
Not that I'm aware of...I know he was havin' one made...but I haven't seen any hint it might be up and running.Maybe he'll pop in and update us on the projected completion date.


Active Member
OMG!!!Wow! You certainly can't complain about lack of content!
I bookmarked it. Thanks Kip, and thanks Steve!


Active Member
Yeah! I can see it now. An old school bus, painted in crazy colors...the SWF freak out bus. Making stops across the country, picking up fellow reefers, all for the great frag swap at Steve's.


NM, I was thinking the same thing!! All of these major cities do all this crazy stuff to increase tourism, and here we are wanting to go to Oregon to see, ask, test, duplicate, borrow, visit, etc... because of an 850 gallon tank. It seems it's more interesting than some of the aquariums!! I wonder if he knows how much we comment on his tank?
Wow, I bet he could charge admission!!!