Is Storing Saltwater Ok?


Active Member
i was wondering if i could just premix and dose stuff into saltwater for water changes and store it until it needs to be used. i heard over time is loses its PH or something else happens that fouls this true?
if i could store it...could i also add calcium and other supplements like PH buffer or trace elements, etc. to it? this way water changes will be quick and easy instead of me spending a good 30 minutes every week or so mixing in calcium, PH buffer, and other stuff.


Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by gio28
i was wondering if i could just premix and dose stuff into saltwater for water changes and store it until it needs to be used. i heard over time is loses its PH or something else happens that fouls this true?
if i could store it...could i also add calcium and other supplements like PH buffer or trace elements, etc. to it? this way water changes will be quick and easy instead of me spending a good 30 minutes every week or so mixing in calcium, PH buffer, and other stuff.

No you can't store it...why would you be adding calcium, PH buffer and other stuff to fresh made saltwater? All you need to do is have RO water, warm it with a small heater and use a power head to keep it stired and mixed. Just add the right amount of salt mix to the water...wait 24 hours and you are good to go.


Active Member
Honestly for my water changes I add two cups of salt to my bucket of water (it's not scientific but close and I keep an eye on my tanks for salinity) and throw a power head in there. Then I clean the tank of my choice and pull out 5 gallons worth. Then I add my salt mix into the overflow part so it goes through the sump first. Done
No I would not add any supplements to fresh mixed saltwater --- a fresh saltwater mix should have the approriate levels in it already --- and if you do regular water changes you shouldn't have to add anything except possibly calcium/alk if you have something draining your system of it.


Active Member
lol now that i think about it...idk why i do add calcium and ph buffer to the water before i put it into my tank anyways. haha im real stupid for doing that in the first place

oh i guess premixed saltwater isnt gonna happen.
i can have freshwater in like a jug or something (lets say 5 gallon jug) and then just add the salt and heat it up. how many cups of salt need to be added to 5 gallons anyways...i never bothered to figure that out? i use instant ocean but i dont think brand of salt matters that much.


Active Member
I add 2 cups.... which is close when I account for emptying skimmers as well. It also depends on what size tank you are adding it too.. both of my tanks have 100g+ of water volume so really throwing in 5g of freshwater wouldn't be the end of the world either and the temperature of 70 degree water going into 100g of 78 degree water isn't a huge issue IMO either -- but my fresh RO/DI water sits a few days usually... as I'm always using it up for evaporation. I try and have 5-15 gallons on hand but usually always running short.


Active Member
ok cool thank you. now i have an estimate measurement instead of random poring of salt into the water to be tested like 10 times lol.


Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by gio28
lol now that i think about it...idk why i do add calcium and ph buffer to the water before i put it into my tank anyways. haha im real stupid for doing that in the first place

oh i guess premixed saltwater isnt gonna happen.
i can have freshwater in like a jug or something (lets say 5 gallon jug) and then just add the salt and heat it up. how many cups of salt need to be added to 5 gallons anyways...i never bothered to figure that out? i use instant ocean but i dont think brand of salt matters that much.

Never call yourself stupid...On the salt mix are directions as to how much salt per gallon of fresh water. By warming the water it helps to desolve the salt better, so it has nothing really to do with the tank temp. I use Instant is 1/2 cup per gallon.


Active Member
Yeah that sounds right if I remember... and I don't completely fill the 5 gallon bucket.. because if I spill.... my wife gets mad. I use IO Reef crystals. Never thought about the temperature for dissolving... although it does something with the salitnity/specific gravity.


Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by jackri
Yeah that sounds right if I remember... and I don't completely fill the 5 gallon bucket.. because if I spill.... my wife gets mad. I use IO Reef crystals. Never thought about the temperature for dissolving... although it does something with the salitnity/specific gravity.
SG is always different according to temp..So if you can get it the same temp as the tank you fix that flexibility...however like you said..In that small amount compared to the amount in the tank it isn't all that drastic.
So for WCs I just warm it to help desolve and test the SG with an hydometer...when they match..I let it sit 24 hours churning with a power head. Recheck the SG just before I do the change, I like to be sure...


I have had water mix for a few months with no issues at all. I do cover the bin though to keep household stuff, like animal hair, out of it.


Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by sepulatian
I have had water mix for a few months with no issues at all. I do cover the bin though to keep household stuff, like animal hair, out of it.

I tried that and the top got all sour smelling so I gave up...


Active Member
if i were to put the saltwater in these water containers that have very tight sealed lids would that work? of course i would heat it up to match the temp of my tank when the time comes to add it though. or is this still bad?


Active Member
i mix mine minutes before changing water. 50 gallon @ 70 degrees while the 450 gallon tank is at 80 will decreased my temp to only 79.0 after 20 minutes while the pump slowly refill the tank. i also add some kalkwasser, magnesium and lugols solution too because I use IO less than perfect saltmix parameters.although i use calcium reactor it wont hurt if my alk,calcium and magn are slightly up 12,480,1300. normally 11,450,1280


Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by bullitr
i mix mine minutes before changing water. 50 gallon @ 70 degrees while the 450 gallon tank is at 80 will decreased my temp to only 79.0 after 20 minutes while the pump slowly refill the tank. i also add some kalkwasser, magnesium and lugols solution too because I use IO less than perfect saltmix parameters.although i use calcium reactor it wont hurt if my alk,calcium and magn are slightly up 12,480,1300. normally 11,450,1280

UMMM This might work in a 480g (corals??)...but I did this once in my 90g reef and some of the undesolved salt rested on my fox coral and it drew up and never opened again. Now I make sure all salt is completely desolved.


i keep and store some premixed saltwater. as long as you keep the water moving it should be fine. you dont want dust,hair ect... getting into the water though. i also store some freshwater for top offs as well... just dont let the water get stagnent


Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by loopy101
i keep and store some premixed saltwater. as long as you keep the water moving it should be fine. you dont want dust,hair ect... getting into the water though. i also store some freshwater for top offs as well... just dont let the water get stagnent

For top off I have an auto top off unit...a 10g tank under the DT in the stand with a small power head for circulation..I refill the 10g with water from my RO unit.


Active Member
I try to keep on hand a supply of mixed extra water sealed in my old salt buckets in the garage. Right now there are 5 of them ready to go at a moments notice, and I should have more. All I would need to do is match the temperatures. Some of them have been unused in months. I have never noticed any deterioration in water quality in the old water, (smelling bad, discoloration, or such) . I would think if old stored water had a smell that was not normal, the original mixed batch contained some kind of organic contaminant to cause the smell.
One never knows when something may go wrong and big emergency partial changes may be needed.


Active Member
i think i might go ahead and try pre mixing saltwater.
im gonna store them in something like this:
but mine has a way better lid on it