Is Storing Saltwater Ok?


Active Member
I don't see any reason why you can't store the SW mix, however before use I would try and aerate it with a powerhead and just check pH or so before using to make sure something crazy hasn't happened.
But otherwise...
If you buy SW from the LFS...don't you think they have a big vat of it stored in the back? Yes, they do. :) It doesn't sit there for months, certainly, but it is also not used immediately either.


Active Member
true about the LFS water. i use tap and de-chlorinate it and stuff then i add the salt. normally i would just save the time and mix the saltwater when i do my water changes but my parents hate it when i mix the saltwater in the sink so i thought i would make a huge batch to last a while so they dont freak and so i can do quick WCs.


Active Member
I really do discourage use of tap water. I used to be similar to the..."fill bucket in tub, add salt, stir by hand, and add to tank." I did this a long time. I had a damselfish. :)
In a larger tank, especially a reef tank, this is not a good plan. While it works today, tomorrow you may fail. I did start to get big time algae problems when I moved and tried the same thing. Not to mention, there are things that can slowly build up, notably copper from pipes, that may just hit you at some point.
So starting with a blank canvas is a pretty good plan.


Active Member
true...i would like to use RO/DI water but those things are pricey. i am not going against what you say...but i have never had any phosphates or negative effects. there are other risks like you mentioned though. i might start buying saltwater from my LFS for $1/gallon instead of me making it because they have RO/DI and have the perfect salinity for the water.


Active Member
Well, definte perfect salinity. Never assume that, I worked at an LFS.
Perfect for them would be fatal for inverts. And were the consistent? Not always. So if you are going to buy for $1 a gallon...I would stil say an RO/DI is going to be cheaper long term and much, much more convenient. When I bought water, there is no doubt I did relatively fewer water changes...because I would have to drive there, move buckets, etc, etc.
But to each there own. Tap water may work for one person in their situation and part of town and be a disaster for someone in the next neighborhood over, or keeping different animals :)
I am not a pusher, by the way, of "you must have an RO/DI or you can't do this" as some are. But there is no doubt that it provides a big time security blanket. Especially if you are in an area with a chloramine issue in tap water.


Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by gio28
true about the LFS water. i use tap and de-chlorinate it and stuff then i add the salt. normally i would just save the time and mix the saltwater when i do my water changes but my parents hate it when i mix the saltwater in the sink so i thought i would make a huge batch to last a while so they dont freak and so i can do quick WCs.

Saltwat mixed in the sink??? The sink is used for soap and chemicals! You are asking for big time trouble...use a bucket or tub marked FISH ONLY and use it ONLY for your fish tank.


Active Member
lol i meant i put the bucket in the sink to mix it. i have my special mixing bucket that is used only for that.


Have have stored it for a month with no issue. I make 60 gallons at a time and store it in a rain barrel. I have a recycling pump running in the barrel. I pump out what I need the night before and store it next to the tank for temp balencing.