Is Superglue Reef safe???


Is superglue reef safe?? No i am not glueing it under water. I am gluing a frag rack together and I have rinsed it multiple times and has been drying for a while now. But is this safe???


There is regular liquid superglue and gel superglue. The gel is fine to use in the tank. I use it to glue frags to the rockwork in my tank.


Active Member
You shouldn't use just any glue -- super glue and super glue gel is safe but I believe the ingredient you want in it is Cyanoacrylate -- which is reef safe unlike something like gorilla glue.


Active Member
POLYURETHANE might be worth looking into. I dont know if tis reef safe, but I know it is used alot on outdoor projects in the construction industry to glue rocks into place for ponds. I posted the question in the new members area hoping to get an answer myself. I would like to use POLYURETHANE in one of my tanks to glue rocks together and make a bridge.
For those who don't know what it comes in a tube similar to silicone or kalking, and it spreads like peanut butter, hardens in a couple days like steel.
I have repaired broken drills and other plastic cased tools, and it is as hard as any substance in my shop.


Active Member
Don't even worry about drying and rinsing it. I use it in and out of water with no problems.
Loctite brand has the gel in 10g tubes which is probably the best way to go. The little tubes get one or two frags secure before you're out.
i use super glue all day, use GEL superglue and youll b fine u can put a ton without any worries dont get crazy though but yeap superglue GEL is what u need not the regular kind that is impossible to glue anything with.