Is surface skimming neccesary with 24G Nano? *PIC*


I am looking att he surface, and notice that it lacks skimming power, and th surface does tend to collect little debris. Here is a pic.. you can pbarely make out anythin on the surface since it is very faint.
The circulation is good, but doesnt seem to be removing this since there is no skimmer....
Besides the cassete tape mod is there anything i should do, or should i just not worry about it?


Active Member
I found that same site and made one tonight. Works pretty well. Just watch your sump water level and adjust the height of the box accordingly.....


Do you notice any difference in the circulation of the surface water?
I am running that same mod in my 24 and I have noticed a big difference. There is hardly any surface scum at all anymore.


Active Member
It cleared the surface of the water really well. I just have to adjust the water level now to compensate for the added water in the display.
I am going to make one out of black acrylic though.
I dont like to see it