Is the weather making you misable?


Active Member
Well we got at least 6'' of snow and right now its raining frozen rain. And today I was suppose to get my sump!!!! So is the weather playing apart in your day? :notsure:


Active Member
if I can't be in shorts and barefeet (or flip flops) I am generally not too happy. And its been below zero. So that gives you a general idea.
Thursday afternoon we went through 3 seasons in a matter of 20 minutes. :scared:
74 degrees humid all day, 2:50 p.m. cold wind started blowing, thundered and lightened, tornado sirens going off, POURING down rain, then HAIL !! huge hail I might add and by 3:10 it was 40 degrees

that night about 10 degrees


Active Member
No, not really.
70s yesterday, and looks like the same in store for today. I do kinda miss snow, just not enough to move.


Active Member
Originally Posted by lovethesea
if I can't be in shorts and barefeet (or flip flops) I am generally not too happy. And its been below zero. So that gives you a general idea.
Thursday afternoon we went through 3 seasons in a matter of 20 minutes. :scared:
74 degrees humid all day, 2:50 p.m. cold wind started blowing, thundered and lightened, tornado sirens going off, POURING down rain, then HAIL !! huge hail I might add and by 3:10 it was 40 degrees

that night about 10 degrees
I sort of know what you mean. It was in the upper 60s friday then some storms came in. The temp was now 30 something and then that night it fell into the teens.


Active Member
Nope, Im fine.
it stays coldish around here. Like in the 50's in the day, 30-40's at night, and I still wear sandals


Active Member
ever hear the term "colder than it looks outside"? it has been nice and sunny for the last few days, but down in the 20's and 10's at night... looks like it would be relly nice outside, but it is freezin!!! BTW...I still wear shorts and sandels...


Active Member
Originally Posted by COWFISHRULE
anything above 70 degrees im not too happy with.
the colder, the better for me.
Anything A B O V E 70 degrees is good for me! This cold is driving me BONKERS!


Originally Posted by Emperor11
Anything A B O V E 70 degrees is good for me! This cold is driving me BONKERS!
hey emperor11 did u get a new email.. cuz ur not responding to mt emails... mine is still the same...
ya and it is absoulutely freeeeeeeeezing in the nw suburbs of chicago.... saturday night was turnabout dance... and well we had to wait outside for our ride for like 10 minutes... it was about 0 degrees (seriously!) i thought i was gonna get frostbite


oh, all of you with weather above 15 degrees, you can bite me!!!
ugh, i hate living up here, it sucks so bad!!! i HATE cold weather, and i HATE snow!!! it was 10 degrees yesterday... i left my orange in my car overnight, and it's now an ice cube...


This morning we saw some flakes but not enough to make any sort of a difference. Now I think were supposed be somewhere in the forties. On Friday we were in the seventies and Saturday we saw some some flakes. We still haven't had anything accumulate.


Active Member
Originally Posted by jdragunas
oh, all of you with weather above 15 degrees, you can bite me!!!
ugh, i hate living up here, it sucks so bad!!! i HATE cold weather, and i HATE snow!!! it was 10 degrees yesterday... i left my orange in my car overnight, and it's now an ice cube...

I have 2 orange trees on my back porch. A valentia and a mandarin. I squeeze one over potatoe chunks then roast 'em.


Active Member
Originally Posted by lovethesea
Dan Quail

Now there's a guy who literally fell off the map. I think that relates to weather somehow.