Is there a better Power Head?


I have 2 Marineland Penguin Power Head 1140's... They are putting out 300gph each.
I need to get about 1000ghp for my 100g tank and I might have to replace the two Power Heads that I have.
The reason is, the power cords are starting to deteriorate. I have only had these for about 7 months and with no where near enough light output to cause this to happen... It sucks that they are deteriorating and I’m going to see if I can return them to the LFS for a credit or something.
Is there a Power Head that I can buy that will put out close to 1000gph or should I be getting something that is better than a power head like a pump system?
What do you guys use to move your water other than a sump system? I need to find a solution fast or I fear my tank will become electrocuted by one of these deteriorating wires...


I use maxi jet 1200's & 900's and they all almost 2 years old working perfectly fine I have only had to clean one of them one time.


Active Member
I use Reio, Maxi-Jet and Pro Clear 70. Everything looks good but I have only had them for 5 months.

bang guy

Do a search on "Closed loop".
There are also high-end powerheads out there that put out an incredible amount of water. I'll try to find a name for you.


Active Member
Tunze are expensive but are woth the $ from what I hear. I think the Seio (not Reio) is like a Tunze but not in the same class as quality. I may be wrong on that.


Active Member
jlittle or anyone else who uses maxijet,
i have a 205 gallon tank, i bout two rio 700 to just get some top water movement in the corner, i like them cause they were small but kicked the bucket after 3 weeks(hahaha) anyway if i get a maxijet 1200 will it give me enough top water movement? or should i just bump it to a bigger maxijet( i want somethign small, but somehtign with enough power at the same time?? any help would be greeat
also i already have a cloose loop


Active Member
I think the maxi-jet is small and produces good water movement. They are rated high on reliability. If you do an internet search on "power head ratings", you will find some good info.


Ok, I did a bit of searching on the "Closed loop," but all I seem to find are explanations on what is really a closed loop and what is mistaken for a closed loop, but really an open loop... Also, just finding explanations of tank setups and pictures of sumps...
On google all I get is, closed loop water purification systems and such or more of the above...

Is there a company that makes a "Closed loop" setup or kit? Is it less than $100.00 to get a decent (1000gph) closed loop running?

I don’t have to worry about chillers as I live in Northern Michigan.. (Lots of mention on chillers in the searches I did.


which would be better to do?
a closed loop w/ a SCWD run by a mag12
scwd w/ 2 returns on auction site for $35
mag12 - m@rined3pot is $98
plus tubes = $145 approx total
or the Tunze Stream 6060 at the d3pot for $138 bucks


Originally Posted by hmmhmm
which would be better to do?
a closed loop w/ a SCWD run by a mag12
scwd w/ 2 returns on auction site for $35
mag12 - m@rined3pot is $98
plus tubes = $145 approx total
or the Tunze Stream 6060 at the d3pot for $138 bucks
I my self never used a SCWD but I have never heard anything good about them just bad for they fail etc so i have avoided them. You cant go wrong with mag pump in my oppinion I love mine and have never failed in 2 years.


Active Member
tunze as it is simple and will probley be more versitile in moving arounmd your tank for tank needs, go with the tunze.