is there a compatability issue between tomato clown and percula clown?


Quick question:
I have just purchased a tomato clown (it is about an inch), and I wanted to put in a couple of percula clowns later. right now I have a 46 bf tank with LR(15 lbs) and LS (40lbs) with a cleaning crew and one blue chromis (2 inches). Am I going to
have an issue with compatability between the clowns?

reef fool

Active Member
You should probably add them at the same time. Or even the percs first since they tend to be less aggressive. Not much room for them to stay away from each other in a 46 bowfront. (I had one before my 125).


thanks. Guess I will try to get some percula's at least as big as the tomato and put them in asap. I have enough live rock to make a couple of caves and separate sides of the tank. Hopefully this will be enough, otherwise I will have to look to get a bigger tank


had a tomato and two percs in the same tank over 6 months no problems,but percs were aquacultured? and it was a 77 gallon.


Well I would agree with Bang, I put both a Perc and a tomato in a QT together and the tomato killed the Perc

bang guy


Originally posted by tygerfifteen
had a tomato and two percs in the same tank over 6 months no problems,but percs were aquacultured? and it was a 77 gallon.

6 months is probably OK. Once one of the fish morph into a female the trouble will start. This takes a year or two.

bang guy


Originally posted by mgann
I have a Tomato and a false perc in a 46 bf. They been together for about 4 years now.

That's great! IMO that's a 1 in 100 event, ie. you got lucky.


I agree with many of the others here...tomatos are pretty rough, even for clowns. I have one and I wouold love a pair of percs, but it won't happen.


i have to agree also tomato's are just to aggressive for percs imo.


i have to agree i have a perc and a tomato and ever since the tomato grew abit he will not leave the perc alone he goes from on side and rush to the other to haras him.