Is there a difference???

admiral w.

New Member
i was fish shopping today....and i saw something they called a red mandarin goby ( it was 100$)..ive also heard there are blue mandarins....and the greens they sell there really a diffrence?


Active Member
There are alot of mandarine/dragonet species and it could have been a rare species.....I have heard the green one ( S. spendidus ) called red before.
Most can starve easy unless you have a proper system for them. A red one may have been the StarryDragonet ( S. stellatus ). IDK. but IMO, it should not cost $100.


nope... thats not it...
This is what I know as a Green Mandarin

then Blue Mandarin would be

and the red variety, would be like:

The last one is like his.


Active Member
All three of those are the same species, The Green, Synchiropus splendidus
I dont really see much color differences in them. Could be the lighting, ---, age, diet...Or a color morph I quess but I never heard of them doing that....


not the lighting at all. I do agree, it is definetly the same species, but some are mostly blue, mostly green, or mostly red. The one the admiral's got is a red one (seen it myself). I can see why each color is sold for different price, probably some are more rare than others. But it is the same species. Maybe their from different regions?
Either way, his is awesome, and it eats pellets and just about anythin u put in the tank thats small enough for him to eat... so much for being a picky eater ^__^


Originally Posted by hi1369
i love those fish so much i wish i had a tank for those.

sorry about being off topic

if it helps... theyre not that great.. i woul have died for one of em. and now that admiral got his.. i dont know... its very shy.. like if anyone enters the room itll hide.. and u cant get too close to the tank without it being uncomfortable.. sure its been only a week since he got it.. but still.. i wasnt expectin it to be so shy... my other bro's clownfish and my mom's pseudochromis already beg for food when someone comes in (as if they werent well fed! pfft!)... and only a week after we got em too...


Active Member
I'm not sure, I have seen some that are extremely red and it gives them a much different appearance, so my guess is that they are just bred to obtain desireable color variations.