Is there a fish???

That will eat brown polyps??? Ive been overun with them and I'd like to find a fish who likes them...or im gonna have to take out the rock and kill the coral...


Active Member
there are plenty of non reef safe fish out there. Problem is they probably wont eat just those.
Are the zoas or like button ployps?
I know that certain colors of zoas can be more dominant and start to take over. Also I have some brown zoas with orange in the middle and they spread over a rock really fast and then just stopped growing.

They are brown button polyps....just way too many and way to much brown. Just thought I'd take a stab and see if there was a fish that prefered them... lol its a long shot of course but worth asking


Active Member
you could try injecting lemon juice?
I bought some blue zoas on a small piece of rock. when i came home I saw that it had a green button polyp on it. Well not the button polyps are blocking all the sunlight and I had some lemon juice for an aipnasia(spelling) problem and I injected a couple of them and it seems to have worked.