Is there a lion i could keep with clowns and sea horses?


New Member
Hi all,
Im fascinated by lions, but ive read anything that can fit into its mouth will eventually be there...if i get a small lion would he still attempt to eat bigger clowns and sea horses? Or would he be semi peaceful to them? Is there a lion that stays smaller, or is a bit less aggressive that would mix in my tank?


I am sure I will get blasted by someone on here for not knowing what I am talking about but in my experience, I wouldn't mix them. First of all, seahorses are usually considered to be species only because they are very easily stressed and other fish will not allow them to get any food. Also I would not mix the clowns with the lion. They would be alright at first maybe but lions grow very quickly and will eat anything that will fit in its mouth. A dwarf lion stays somewhat small but still get up to 6" although I have never had one. IMO I would look into trying something different or splitting that into two tanks.


Active Member
Trust me know one will blast you for that reply.
Although you may be able to get a dwarf lion, and maybe say a maroon clown. Definatly do not keep any fish such as lions, or clowns with sea horses.


Active Member
What do u have in ur tank with seahorses? just the clownfish know? How big of a tank... how big of a clownfish... how many?


you could keep a fu manchu lionfish with the clowns. Manchus only get about 4 inches.
I thought you should only have seahorses with seahorses. How long has the clown been in there and what tempiture do you keep your tank?:confused: :confused: :confused: :confused: :confused: :confused: :confused:


I have kept 2 false perc. clowns in my seehorse tank for a year they are fine. Most of the lighter colored clowns can be kept with seehorses but tamatoes and maroons will pick on the seehorses for sure. There are many fishes that can be kept with seahorses. I have kept a yellow watchman a neon goby and the clowns for all about a year with the horses. The lion would be out of the question besides the fact that the lion might try and eat the seahorses the water quality would also go down for the lions messy eating which would probably kill your horses also.


get one very small and have him grow up with everyone.
mine grew up with a tomato clown fish.
He is way bigger than the clown now and could have eaten him anytime.
I added another clown, (slightly smaller i must admit) and Lion ate him in 2 seconds.
He doesn't even consider going after his buddy he grew up with though.


Active Member
the main reason for not keepign a seahorse with other fish is that A) food relations B) The existence of another fish just stresses it out and C) Most people can't handle a seahorse as it is adding another fish who can severely screw everything up.
I can't stress enough... the most docile fish can turn on ur seahorse as an easy meal. I can not stress enough... your seahorse is not getting fed properly with another fish unless u find a way to get that food to him or her without other fish getting it. AND... I cannot stress enough... the severity the extra time you should add to your seahorse tank when adding another fish. Most people don't have the time, money and just the will to do a fish with a seahorse. it is a safer route to keep a seahorse aloen...

tony detroit

Active Member
Good call killafins...
I don't have seahorses but from what I have been reading recently killafins knows a LOT about seahorses


I really don't thing that would work but its kinda a cool idea you might as well throw in some pipe fish LOL but i really see that combo not working:p


Pipe fish go really well with seahorses. They seahorses will even hitch rides on the pipefish. Not much else will go good with the seahorses though other than some cleaning crew. Some people might have luck though and have some percula clowns like Jake22, these fish don't seem to be very agressive. The guy at the lfs that has a double major in marine related fields told me perc are wussy fish when it comes to eating. But then again Jake22 might make an extra effort to see that the seahorse get fed. Don't know for sure, but you'll have to ask him.


Active Member
Percs are the most aggressive eaters but they still will take food from a seahorse. Them being there will keep the seahorse from eating UNLESS there is a way to prevent it. BUt seahorses get stressed easily and that's the big problem. It being stressed will cause it not to eat. You will have enough problems for it to eat as it is. Yes some people have success stories but i bet either it's a brand new seahorse or not there first seahorse.