Originally Posted by ophiura
In general, it is not a problem.
However, if you start going "oh boy!! I have corals!!!" and the LFS sends you home with phytoplex and zooplex and every other type of coral food and you start feeding like nuts (much of which is not necessary)...yeah, you can crash things big time.
Yeah, I agree. When I fist started to buy corals the LFS told me to get all these coral foods but I didn't have enough money for the coral foods at the time because I spent it all on LR, lights, filtration, and some more supplies. So I just got a baby toad stool for like $10 and 2 zoas for $3. They told me if I don't feed the toadstool and the zoas that they will die within 3 weeks. But anyways I just bought the corals. Then a few months passed and I never put a single drop of coal food and they are happy and healthy. The LFS will tell you anything to make some money if its a bad LFS.