is there a sand dwelling anemone that will host percs



need a sand dweller my rocks are full any suggestions? 2 true percs and 2 b&w


Long tentacle anemones (lta) and carpets prefer sand. Might want to do a research on the carpets though. It's a 50/50 chance that any anemone will host a clown. It's up to the clown. Some clowns dive right in, some it takes weeks even months and some never do, so hosting is not a sure thing.

rod buehle

Natural hosts for percs are Heteractis crispa; usually H. magnifica; Macrodactyla doreensis; Stichodactyla gigantea.
H. crispa will usually find its spot at the sand/rock interface
H.magnifica will usually perch itself on the highest rock in the tank (or sometimes the tank wall)
M.doreensis (AKA LTA) is a sand dweller
S.gigantea will also usually be found at the sand/rock interface with its foot attached to the rock. If they are not found at the sand rock interface you will find them on the rock way more than you would find them in the sand
S.hadoni is a sand dweller, but not a natural host.