Is There A Such Thing As To Many Pods?


I have my 75 that has been fish empty for two almost three weeks now (Qt for ick) and with them gone I have what I asume are the pods everywhere.
The back of my tank is black and there are thousdands it looks like on it. I can use my magnetic glass cleaner on the front and sides and I can see them in the water everywhere.
I can see the tiny white things being very busy on the LR also.
Is this normal and will they go away somewhat once the five fish are put back in? Is this just a population outbreak because there is nothing there to keep them under control?
They are also everywhere in my sump also.


you are correct on what you believe. Since there are no fish in the tank, the pod pop. will be huge. Once you get some fish in the tank their numbers will decrease, maybe alot, or maybe just enough to tell that there arnt as many as there was. I am guessing that the fish(most fish) eat them as like a snack or somthing b/c when you put fish in the tank there doesnt apear to be as many as there were before..........well there's my .02cents