is there an alternative for the astraea snail


I dont like the idea of the snail not being able to get off of its back. I have lost alot of them and I would like something that can get back on its feet.


Active Member
Originally Posted by pondy
I dont like the idea of the snail not being able to get off of its back. I have lost alot of them and I would like something that can get back on its feet.
I have a 2" long Mexican Turbo, been going on for like 11/2years, very hardy and has fell off the glass many time,, always gets over again.. keeps the glass sparkling and very dormant in the daytime.


Active Member
Originally Posted by pondy
ok how many should I get for my 75? I will get some of the cerith snails aswell.
In a 75 you can easily get by with only 3 or 4, these are huge.


does this sound good for a 75 clean up crew? 2 emerald crabs, 3 mexican turbos, 15 astrea, 20 cenrith and 30 blue leg hermits? Let me know what you all think


I have had a problem withthem not being able to turn them selves over and for that reason I dont want them or as many of them. anyways. I dont like to tip them back over. I bought them Here in Idaho


I wouldn't put that many hermits in the tank. I have 6 blue leg and 4 scarlet reef hermits in my 90 and it's more than enough. They switch shells a lot and a few of my blue legs are big enough that they knock things over.
My clean up crew in my 90 is:
3 emerald crabs
6 blue leg
4 scarlet
30 nassarius snails
8 mexican turbos
15 regular turbos
1 brittlestar
1 conch
2 cleaner shrimp
1 fire shrimp
The shrimp get to anything that dies right away. The turbos are all over the rock and glass, the nass flip over the sandbed, the brittlestar scavenges but we also handfeed him, and the crabs just kind of graze.