I too have found kick ick to be helpful although I have never known it to eliminate ick on its own. What I use it for is almost like a vitamin....if I have fish looking a bit puny or slacking on eating, I load the tank with it. It acts more like a vitamin than a med and the fish perk back up in no time - however when a tank resident has had a terrible case of ick, it's not alot of help. For that situation, I load the tank with kick ick and do hyposaline in conjunction - the hope is that the stress from the treatment will be tempered by whatever is in the kick ick that seems to make them feel better. Kick ick is also safe if you accidentally overdose - I have used it multiple times in the past (although it's been quite a long time since I needed it) and have always been happy with the result. Just don't expect it to be the cure - just maybe a boost to help the fish's own immune system to kick in and defeat it. It is safe for every sort of reef inhabitant you can imagine....I have fish, corals, anemones, inverts, etc...and none have ever shown ill effects from kick ick - as a matter of fact, I think its kind of good for them. Just my opinion....