Is there any reason to worry?


Active Member
My two percs have been acting fine, until last night the less dominate (which will probably be the male) started acting funny. He does really swimm with the clown swim much and just kinda slow. Could this be because the other clown is a little mean to it? Also I have a damsel that picked on that one clown, but not the more dominate one? I really don't wanna lose him.



It's been my experience w/ the damsels, that once they start picking on a fish they wont stop til it's dead. If you can CATCH the little bugger take him back to the lfs. (I did) As for the female perc. I think they have a tendancy to not only dominate, but SHOW a little muscle! Mine dont FIGHT, but she puts him in his place and he still comes back for a kiss! Soooo. Good luck this is just my .02



hi kpk, it sounds like your clown is wore out and tired from being picked on. if they are both males, the larger one will eventualy take over the tank, he will keep the smaller one at bay, untill he will eventually starve to death, i hope this is not what is happening in your case. but i'm just going on my experience, this happend to me twice, so now i have only one clown fish. i am sorry if this is whats going on. but maybe someone else might know more about this. i wish i could help you more. good luck.