Is there anything I can do


Active Member
I bought some fish yesterday. I noticed one of my chromis had a tiny red spot on him. Today it looks like this. What is it and what can I do to help him or should I take him back to the lfs and get another one.
Amonia 0
Nitrites 0
Nitrates below 10
Ph 8.2


i would maybe post this over in the sick fish forumn and Beth will be sure to Chime in, they helped my cure my ick outbreak, great people over there


def not ich. it looks like hes been chewed up to me. is he being chased/harrassed by other fish in the tank? is the red on top of the gills or is that into its body? looks like its into the body from the pic.
and you should really think about getting a small quarantine tank just so you dont introduce anything nasty into your tank.


Active Member
Well there is nothing in the tank. I introdused 1 false perk clown. 2 Chormis last night. The lfs told me to take it back today. So I did and she looked at all the other Chromis and told me it got bite and to watch the clown even though he is small. But She took him back and gave me another just in case its some type of scale rot. But also said if it makes it she will give that fish back to me. Also it was in a QT tank. Thats a fake rock it is on. But all the fish were in the same QT tank.

aztec reef

Active Member
Good move! it was defenetly a nasty gash.
It could've made it, but its a little complicated, especially in a new-borned tank with other inhabitants..


that dude totally got a chunk bit out of him.
sometimes them false percs can be really aggressive. one bit me at my lfs and drew blood, i personally thought it was awesome at first, then it started to really hurt.


Active Member
Originally Posted by JTT
that dude totally got a chunk bit out of him.
sometimes them false percs can be really aggressive. one bit me at my lfs and drew blood, i personally thought it was awesome at first, then it started to really hurt.
i felt that way once with a angle fish. that thing hurt!


Active Member
I know I should only QT I fish at a time. But so fat they are all doing good even the new Chromis. I am starting to think it was the clown. but the clown is so smaill only about an inch long. I dont remember but he was the same size as the chromis. I am supprised he could take a chunk that big.