Is there something wrong with my anemome?


New Member
Have had this anenome for a couple months now and has done great. Yesterday we added a feather duster, two emerald crabs, some hermit crabs and snails and star fish. We also pu in new light bulbs. Tonight the ends of some of it's tentacles look curled up and have gone translucent. Is there a problem? Pictures attached.

bang guy

Originally Posted by jewaters http:///t/394066/is-there-something-wrong-with-my-anemome#post_3507053
all of them. 4 bulbs, 65 watts, white and blue.
That would explain it. I would recomment replacing one bulb every 3 months or 2 bulbs every 6 months. Changing them all at once can cause light shock.
New bulbs burn at about 120% of normal for several days or so before calming down to 100%. So you went from old bulbs that were probably somewhere near 75% and changed the bulbs that are buring at 120% all in one day.