Is this 2 much for 75 Gallons?


New Member
We are very Proud of our Little Ocean. Any suggestions are always welcomed. Are biggest frustration in the "nuisance algea" , cyno bacteria and of course the "Green Thing" That I thought was a sponge but not sure now. I read this forum alot. My wife and I love or new Hobby and Pets.
***) The List Then attached photos(Not all are present)
(1) Scopas Tang or Zebrasoma scopas (2-3 Inches)
(1) Yellow Tang or Zebrasoma flavescens (about 6 Inches or Larger)
(1) Scooter Blenny or Neosynchiropus ocellatus (4-5 Inches)
(2) Peppermint Shrimp or Lysmata wurdemanni (1 Inch each)
(1) Pink Tip Haitian Anemone or Condylactis sp (3-4 Inches)
(1) Florida Condi Anemone or Condylactis gigantea(3-4 Inches)
(1) Raccoon Butterfly or Chaetodon lunula (2-4 Inches)
(1) Long Tentacle Anemone or Macrodactyla doreensis (6-8 Inches)
(8) Blueleg Hermit Crab or Clibanarius tricolor (1/2 Inch Small)
(2) Clarkii Clownfish - Wild (2-3 Inches Each)
Plus about 10 20 Snails:
I am cheap and change filters, water 5%, charcoal once a month. We have much water movement and skimmer and tidepool biowheel sump.



adding 1 fire shrimp will be fine, But JMO you really should step up your water changes with that much live stock, 5 gallons a week minimum at least.


Keep the water quality perfect like stated above and I'd say you've got a good lookin stock list. The yellow might eventually get too big but you're fine for now. Tank looks great!


Active Member
Your raccoon Butterfly hasn't eaten the anemones yet? How long have they been together. The Tangs need a bigger tank IMO, besides that you're good.


New Member
Wow! thanks for all that advice:
1. The butterfly has nipped a little at the log tentacle, but between the size (I mean it is huge!) and the Clarki *Anna it is well protected. I hope. I purchased it and the twp peppermint to control the glass aptasias.
about 3 out of 12 are gone. Butterfly purchased 4 days ago.
2. I guess i will not get any cheaper and buy some salt and mix myself. that is alot of work.. LOL but our pets are worth it.
3. Don't kow JMO ?? IMO??
4. what is substrate? the sump? then no, just tidepool biowheel.
Thanks Again


Active Member
JMO=Just my opinion
IMO=In my opinion
Substrate would be the sand or crushed coral on the bottom. A sump is a separate tank area connected to the main tank. It is a good place to keep equipment and filtration so it doesn't clutter the display tank. It also adds to the water volume of the system and makes it more stable.


New Member
Thanks for the definitions.
I have most of the equipment in the sump (tidepool w/biowheel). I have a RIO 2500 pushing the water back into the tank. in the tank I have a wave maker and penguin to move the water.
I have the heater in the sump also.
My bottom is live sand...suppose to be all white. but It may happen now that i will step up my water changes.
Thanks Again,


Active Member
The saltwater mixing doesn't have to be that much work. I keep a 19gallon tub in my laundry room with an air strip and a heater in it to house my water. I fill up my water jugs and buckets about 2 or 3 times a month with reverse osmosis water from the grocery store and take it home and mix it a few gallons at a time, then add it to the tub.
This is a good practice as you will (in theory) always have water on hand in case of an emergency with your tank (levels spike, fish dies, and top off).
All total (including time to fill up the jugs), this takes me about an hour to an hour and a half each month.


Active Member
your anemone looks very white (bleached) could be the picture. but what kind of lighting do you have?


New Member
I lost the my Raccoon Butterfly or Chaetodon lunula (2-4 Inches). One morning woke up and couldn't see him anywhere. 2 days later the snails are crawling on the glass again and I see his bones in the sand.
Twisted sense of fate. since he would nibble on the snails when they crawled the glass.
So I removed the bones. Treating with TC for the weekend then will do a 25% water change. This is in case he had some bacterial or something. I really don't know how he died. I have had ich before but not for months.
We are not replacing the loss. (At least not right away). Probably will by a fireshrimp from the looks of the poll.

We'll miss you buddy. At least he ate one glass aptasia. Still have about 4 Biggins! Darn.



good luck with the fire shrimp, I like them also but mine never comes out of a little nook he has in the back of the tank.
waste of thirty bucks if you ask me. I think my skunk cleaner is way more fun to watch. imo.


Active Member
Water changes are not much work at all. I do a 10 gallon water change on my 90 every week. I have an RO unit so I just take a few minutes each day for 2 daysw to pour water in my saltwater mixing 30gal. BRUTE garbage can and add salt. then I let it mix with a small power head for the rest of the week until water changing time. My water change takes about 15 minutes.


Active Member
This may sound odd, but your tank looks too clean to support a BBF or that YT...these fish like to graze and pick.
For the nusiance algaes, cut your lighting time back.
How old is your tank?
And can we see a photo of the green thing, my curiousity is way up!


New Member
If you look at the last photo above (2 posts) next to my Racoon that died. It is on the Live rock..looks like a sponge. Tank is about 9 months now. but was an established 3 year old I bought and moved. (The rock and sand).
The YT and my Scopas pick all the time on the Back wall. Things are going well except when I disturb the sand I get outbreak of fin and tail rot. so I am treating again.
My Fireshrimp I bought comes out for a good while and cleans cleopatra (YT). It is just like the movie. I will get a picture for you and post it. It is really cool. But I will have to do on my day off. Thanks everybody for the votes!
So how can I get a "Skunk Cleaner"?


Active Member
What are you treating the tank with? Also what kind of lighting do you have over the tank. I couldn't really see the green thing, can you get a closer pick? Does it do anything?


New Member
Originally Posted by petjunkie
What are you treating the tank with? Also what kind of lighting do you have over the tank. I couldn't really see the green thing, can you get a closer pick? Does it do anything?
I am using a cheap triple sulfae (anomes are ok with it. Total 4 doses, 50% WC and about 22 in change. It seems to me when I added the fire shrimp it started. But I am not sure if it is LFS or from me rearranging the Live Rock.
Also, now my live rocks are turning black? Any reasons? After the treatment, next week I will start feeding LR again with my calcium. I used to have Star Polups that grew. gone now. that started once you guys suggested increasing the WC to 10% a week. The tank is very clear. Besides the hair nuisance, and distgusting looking sand. (From the guy before me, 2 years never really took care at all).
Lighting = 4 x 65 W 50/50 cutting back to 5 hours a day now (since I have more algea again). seems like that is the magic number for mine. 6 hours or more too much algea for me.
See Picture for the "Bubble" it doesn't do anything, but since I scrubbed with toothbrush there is more on the back. Click these links below...
Sorry got lengthy. :joy:
Buble Algea?
Anna & Sebae
Buble Algea Again? Black dots are when it is open, it does close too! ***)
In-Tank 16W UV Sterilizer

The BIG Picture.
I woke them Up!
Thanks for the time reading!


New Member
Originally Posted by reefkprZ
your anemone looks very white (bleached) could be the picture. but what kind of lighting do you have?
You could have been right. Since this post he has turned brown a little more. Not near as white now. That was bought at a ***** Store.