Is this a big problem?


I mixed the salt with the RO water last night in a 5 gallon bucket.
I covereed the bucket with tin foil so that no dust would get in.
I just did the water change, and I noticed that the tin foil was black where it had made contact with the salt water.
I also noticed a small amount of black debris in the bucket that I had just emptied into the tank.
Is this a big problem? Have I introduced toxic metals/debris into the tank?
I just started the tank about a week ago, and it has 30 lbs LR,
30 lbs LS with a protein skimmer and ecosystem mud filter.
Surely I am not the only knucklehead to have done this.
Thanks for any replies.


Sounds like the salt water corroded the aluminum foil. Personally, I wouldn't use that water. If aluminum is bad for people, it can't possibly be OK for the fish and inverts. Newspaper or saran wrap or even a big plate might be a better option?


Unfortunately I had already added the water before I noticed the corrosion.
I am wondering if I need to do a massive water change.
If I do need to do a massive water change, how much water is a "massive" amount? 50%?
Anybody have advice?


Oops, sorry. Missed that part about already adding it. I don't think it's actually THAT big of a deal, kind of like cooking acidic food (i.e. spagetti sauce) in an aluminum pot - you'll get a dose of aluminum, but as long as it's not long term - not a big deal. If I were in your shoes, I would do a couple of daily H2O changes (see my signature line), but not a massive one unless you have water parameters WAY out of whack. Do you have a mechanical filter you can run in there for a few days?


No I don't have a mechanical filter. I just put in a ecosystem mudfilter two days ago.
I am wondering if the aluminum corrosion will mess up the mud.
I guess I'll do a few small (15%) water changes.