Is this a bristleworm?


Just set up the new tank i bought... I found a surprise in the live rock.. i think its a bristleworm but im not sure.. Its about 1/2" wide and about 8" long.. heres a pic.. let me know what i should do with it


Active Member
Looks kinda like a bristle worm...if it isn't bothering anything..leave it in there...they eat the crud off the bottom and scavenge elsewhere as well.

nm reef

Active Member
Definitely looks like a bristle worm...and sounds like a big 'un!
For the most part bristles are positive additions but some types can be problems. A recent thread by steveweast was an example of a major problem. Search under his name and see if you can find the worm thread from a few months ago.
I'd be a bit concerned about the worm in your pic and keep a close eye on it....any signs of problems and I'd look for ways to remove it. Chances are there will be no problems...but better safe than sorry.:cool:


Thanks NM. I caught the guy and took him out. he is currently in a bucket. I dont know how to identify the positive ones from the negative ones. This guy is white bodied with red outsides. He actually is about 12" long now that i can see his whole body, and about 1/2" wide.. very nasty looking dude. Should i put it in my fuge or just get rid of it? i dont want it in my tank!!!


Active Member
Put it somewhere that will benefit the tank. Bristle's are awesome cleaners. At least the pink, white ones are. I think black ones or something like that are bad though. I'd take it if you lived close enough to pick up. :cool: