Is this a condy?


I nabbed this guy at the lfs for $3 last week, they had about 20 of them most of which seemed to be having problems (most of their tentacles were damaged). The one I picked out had some damage but was a nice color. It didn't look that great when I first introduced it (hence the discount), but it seems to be thriving now (shows no damage and is eating well). My favorite domino has been hosting it for the last couple days too.
Can anyone tell me if its a condy or not? And are they really aqua-cultured as the lfs stated? From pictures I have seen online it looks more like a hatian pink tip.


After further research, its both. :) A hatian pink-tip is a type of condylactis. Hopefully this one will not move around as much as some of the other condy's (its been moving on the same rock, but very slowly.
Im so happy that the 3 dot's are hosting it. I was going to get clowns later down the line (and still will probably, maybe GSM pair) but I love my 2 domino's they have so much personality. I think they are pairing too, because the smaller one is 100% submissive now.
My gf is attached to them too, Im thinking I may need to get another tank just for them.


I guess they could be agressive if they had something to be agressive at.. they do attack my hand if I have it in the tank. If I get some clowns Im going to have to take them back for sure. But for now these guys are great. 3 dot's shouldnt get as bad of a rap as they do.
They do some cool stuff.. If im doing something to or around the tank, they like to hover right near me. And in the evenings when I get home from work they are usually playing leap frog infront of the high powerhead, like they are telling me "hey, look what I can do". And when I approach the tank they both stop do a little circle and hover/beg for treats. Them hosting the $3 anemone is just icing on the cake. lol. Damn damsels! :notsure:
I really didn't buy them intending to keep them, but im getting attached.


Clowns probably won't host in that anemone. So if you like the damsels I wouldn't get clowns in just for it.


Active Member
wow even hostin a clown...2 bad my frends condy wont host his ne of his clowns...they wont go into his bta either. Wonder wats wrong wit them

nemo lover

I cant wait for swf to open there store ill bee down there every weekend. The condy's here are pretty coomon my lfs seel them around five bucks I think.


I have read that (about condy's not being the best host). I really did expect the condy to be a host to anything, I just thought it would be a good thing to learn from @3$. If I can keep this one healthy, then I may have the confidence to try something more difficult.
I know they are notorious for moving around also, so thats not a problem because I only have a few soft corals (which are on rocks that can be moved).
Yo Robfl, try pet world off university and 595. They dont have the most healthy stuff some time, but their prices and liverock(figi, $2.99 per pound) are great.
Thanks for the pics Melody (very nice shots there btw), I hope my pink tip gets a little darker like yours. :)


Btw, mine found a good nook between the rock and sand and it hasnt moved in 3 days. And both 3 dot's are now hosting it now (tho the bigger one does kick the little guy out sometimes).


Question for the anemone's owners, how much do you feed yours? My condy's around 3-5 inches across.
I have some frozen silversides, krill, and squid meat. I've been feeling it about 1 silverside per day (about 1-2 ci per day) and I made a little gumbo (krill/squid/suppliments) for it every yesterday.
I've read up quite a bit already on feeding, just wanted to hear what you guys feed with.


Share the beer. :)
I've been debating the same thing. I think I'll keep the 3 dots and maybe get another tank(BIGGER) when I move next year.



Originally posted by johnny5
Question for the anemone's owners, how much do you feed yours? My condy's around 3-5 inches across.
I have some frozen silversides, krill, and squid meat. I've been feeling it about 1 silverside per day (about 1-2 ci per day) and I made a little gumbo (krill/squid/suppliments) for it every yesterday.
I've read up quite a bit already on feeding, just wanted to hear what you guys feed with.

feeding it every day is way too much IMO. i feed my condy every 3 days and switch b/w silversides and krill