is this a fiar price for a dragon moray?


Hey guys, I was at my lfs and the guy told me he could now get me a dragon moray eel thats 2 feet long for $400. Does that sound fair? How much does one that size usually run for? Thanks


Active Member
If it is a Hawaiin Dragon, sounds like a good price. If it is a Mex Dragon, way too much. I've seen some really nice dragons for as much as 1500. They are truly an incredible fish. I'd go for it. Bo


Active Member
how come they are 500 dollars in a store but on this website they are only like 20-40 bucks?
im new.


Active Member
as mentioned, which one?
i have sen mexicans for 175 to 200 average, some places more, if they do not know what they have and think there is only one or think they have a hawaian, and i have seen hawaiians for up to and over 1500


I have an LFS that has a 2' mexican dragon for sale, $70 I think. Good price for a mexican dragon...
I've been off the site for a while. WOW a lot of changes...
P.S. It's gotta be the middle of summer, cause the water in the aggressive tank is getting HOT:D